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2420 AA, After the Great Ascension.

"Connors! Connors!" his radio crackled but he was too dazed to answer it. No matter how he tried he could not look away from the scene that was unfolding right in front of his eyes.

"Connors dammit!  Say something!"

"It’s... it's..." it was useless. This was not something that he could easily explain to command over the comms.

And he continued to stare on as another burst of light, much brighter than the first one emanated from her body. However, she did not seem to be aware of it. The light grew in intensity and became large, pulsing out in waves that bathed up the entire area. The wyvern that had captured her and the others that were still in the area, roared out, writhing in pain as wave after wave of bright light hit them continually. Singeing their black scales and the dark armours that produced a thick cloud of dark mists and yellow sulphuric fumes that continually evaporated.

The roars of the other wyverns rose up all around him creating a cacophony of noises that could be heard all over the town, he was sure, and to him, it sounded like the indestructible wyverns were finally crying out in pain.
What was happening? He wondered even as his gaze wandered all around him and back to the girl who was shining like a sun in the darkened sky.
What was this? What was this technology? Was it something that was used in her own country? For she was decidedly foreign. Foreign, from the way she dressed, to her accent, down to the nitty gritties of who she was.

Where had she come from? He could only wonder as he stood there somewhat flabbergasted and feeling useless. Watching, even as his amazement grew and the roars slowly faded away into nothingness and finally, all that was left was the dark fumes that were slowly dissipating to reveal a sight that he had never seen before in his twenty years of life.
The thick blanket that usually covered the sky at night was now gone and in its place was a glittering sky with a bright moon and a myriad of stars. The occasional cloud dotted the open night sky, but it was light and beautiful and not as heavy and full of evil like the previous clouds that had once accosted it.
It was beautiful yes, and all because of her. The soldier turned his gaze upon her and at her form that was now glimmering even as she slowly descended to the ground.

Her feet touched the cobbled pathway near where he was standing and he looked on stupefied.

She glided towards him and he took a step backwards, panicked even as he took in her once ink black robes that were now a shiny black with a golden vine-like embroidery. Her once dull grey eyes were now a shimmering silver. Huge silver orbs that glinted in night light as they took in his bewildered expression.

"What are you?" he finally croaked out, ignoring the background sounds of the chaos that was now raining on a confused command centre back at the Hub.

"What are you?" he repeated his question.

Havillah stared back at him at loss on how to respond. On one hand, she herself was in shock and she could not even begin to explain what had just happened to her. On the other hand, how could she even begin explain to him her origins when all his responses until then had all been sarcastic? This was not normal and not even she, a Great researcher, could find a way to explain it.

"I will not ask you again." He said as he took another step back to walk away from her.

Panicked, Havillah reached out her hand and tried to stop him.

The Allegory Of Triberias: The Call Of Destiny .Where stories live. Discover now