57: It was me

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Tears kept on flowing as the last thing that Yoongi gave me was destroyed.

Sure I should I should be over Yoongi but it's only been a month. If a person truly cares and loves someone else, it would be really hard to let them go. He was my first love.

"There.. that's much better" Jungkook gave a satisfying smirk.

"I'll never.." I say.

He turns his head to me. "Never what?" He asks.

I gulp before confessing. "I'll never love you.. Jungkook"

Jungkook immediately frowns. He didn't like what I said at all one bit.

"... tell me that's not true" he quietly says while looking down.

"TELL ME!" He screams with his hands trembling.

"I never did nor ever will love you. You're nothing but a psychotic creep to me. You'll never be like Yoongi was to me. And I'll never love you the way I loved him." I straightforwardly told the truth.

He was furious at my response. In fact, he was so furious that he decided to let all his anger out once more.

"Yoongi this! Yoongi that! Will you just stop already? HE'S GONE MEIKO! HE WILL NEVER COME BACK NO MATTER HOW HARD YOU CRY! So just forget about him eh? I mean, there's a reason why I killed him you know?"

My heart skipped a beat as he said the last line.

To this day on, no one knew who truly murdered him. Police tried to investigate but failed to know the truth.

It hurt me even more to know it was just a few minutes after he told me he loved me that he suddenly got tortured.

"K-Killed..?" I stuttered while blinking continuously.

"Heh.. yeah! So you can forget about him and have your eyes only focused on me! To finally love me!" He says.

Jungkook walks up to me closer. He tries to place his hand on my cheek but I quickly turned back with my bloodshot eyes staring at him.

Not only did I think of him as a psychotic kidnapper, but now he is a psychotic killer to me.

"STAY AWAY FROM ME!" I scream in fear knowing a killer was in the same room as me.

He didn't listen to what I said and grabbed both of wrists tightly while looking straight into my eyes.

"I... I claimed you first Meiko.. it was always me. I loved you since day one and since that.. there hasn't been a single day where I didn't love you. You're mine Meiko.. YOU'RE MINE!" He shouts the last words.

"Oh please.. Don't cry. You know I get upset when you cry.. it's not my fault he suddenly wanted to be in your life. I had to do something to end it! I tried my best but killing truly was my last choice. I've killed so you can love me more Meiko..

You should be thankful! I've sent you notes, I've bought you what you liked, I've killed your best friend because you mentioned you wanted her dead! All I've been doing this whole time is granting your wishes. And I would grant you anything you want. See how much I love you Meiko? I'm crazy for you" he smiled with his crazed eyes staring back at me.

So it was him this whole time. He was the reason for all the things happening in the first place.

I was terrified from him at a whole new level now.

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