54: Now or never

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Jungkook had enough of me not answering and began to hit his shoulder at the door trying to open it.

He continuously hit it over and over again that he didn't even care about the pain he was in. He was desperate.

"OPEN IT!" He shouts at me.

He begins to kick the door this time, and fortunately for him, the lock was too weak to hold any longer and breaks from the wood.

Jungkook panted with his fists clenched really tight as the door swings open. He was extremely angry at this second.

And there I was, sitting in the corner of the bathroom all curled up.

Jungkook sprints towards me at the speed of light grabs my arms using the both of his hands forcefully.


"WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT?" He screams at my face.

He raises his hand up in the air and was ready to swing it across my face till he noticed something.

He saw my eyes completely red and tears ran down like a river. I whimpered as I thought he was going to hit me.

He finally lets his hands go from me and stood back.

He runs his fingers through his hair and thinks. He didn't like to see me cry like that, he wanted me to smile.

He wanted me to love him.

Jungkook takes a deep breath "okay listen, you may be terrified but please don't be! Yes I overreacted but it's just you make me worry, you know?" He cups my cheek and tilts his head with a soft smile.

"I love you Meiko, you're my everything and I can't handle the sight of you not being with me, Hm?" He slowly moves forward towards me and kisses my cheek.

I was in too much of a mess to say anything or do anything, so I just let him.

This time he gently grabs my wrist and brings me to his bed.

"It's late now, how about we sleep? Maybe you'll feel much better and have a different perspective of this"

Feel much better my ass..

He hums a song while chaining me up again and making sure to lock it tight.

"I've always wanted to sleep with you.. and now I think I can finally have the chance to do it!" He walks to the other side of the bed and snuggles under his grey duvet next to me.


Why would he sleep next to me knowing I could do anything to him? Was he aware or was he that just that stupid..

During the night I could barely sleep at all. The only reason I wanted to sleep in the first place was because I wanted this nightmare to end, I wanted to wake up in my own room.

After a long time of waiting for him to fall asleep, I could hear a slight snore. He seemed to be sleeping and I don't think he was awake.

He looked awfully peaceful.

But this was my very chance..

My chance to end him. I don't care if I kill him, I just want to be let out of here. The jail is even better than being in this hellhole.

I slowly lifted my back up and reached my hand to his neck.

I can't believe I'm doing this right now.

Then, with speed, I grabbed his throat and squeezed it as hard as I could.

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