43: Suicide?

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I pushed her chin upwards so she wouldn't spit it out till she finally gave up and swallowed it.

"A person like you does not deserve to live" I told her.

"Just like that Yoongi guy, he took Meiko away from me.. so.. I had no choice but to kill him" I grinned from thinking about the day I slaughtered him.

Songs eyes began to grow wide, she couldn't believe the killer of Yoongi was right on top of her and was about to kill her too.

She let out a scream while struggling to be free from my grip. But luckily I was stronger which pushed her back down.

"That's right.. I want you to scream, I want to hear you scream! No one can hear you, so scream as loudly as you want" I informed her.

As she continued to scream for help, I shoved my hand in my pocket and took out a small knife and three other pills.

"Now.." I said while slowly moving them near her.

She quickly shut her mouth because she knew what I was up to.

"Please open your mouth" I asked kindly.

She didn't listen to me and continued closing it.

I sighed. This was getting too annoying.

"OPEN IT!" I screamed.

Using the small knife, I grabbed her weak wrist and raised it high for me to focus on better.

I slowly dug the tip of the blade into her flesh, blood poured out and ran down to her elbow.

She open her mouth forgetting why she closed it in the first place and screamed at the pain she was suddenly in.

I took the chance and put the three pills in her mouth. She immediately closed it and coughed continuously.

I shut her jaw for quite a while after that.

Five minutes later, she began to loose grip and her body became weak as ever.

Her breathing was slower than earlier on, and then finally, she shut her eyes.

"Well..." I say as I get off of her and stand up, wiped the blood that was on my hands on my shirt.

"... that's enough of that.. but my shirt is stained because of you, that's sucks.."

Meiko's POV

I was getting ready for another boring day at school, sometimes I wish I could just skip all my classes and run away.

I made my way downstairs with my backpack hanging from my back. "I'm hungry" I said out loud for my mom to hear.

"Meiko.. I'm so sorry.." I saw my mother walking her way up to me really fast then grasping me for a hug.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

She pointed at the TV.

"The body of a young girl found at the side of a nearby river just close a school, it appears she committed suicide by self harming and over drugging herself. Investigators say that's highly what happened." said the news. It showed a picture of.. Song.



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