End of the road.

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Shut me out,

If you can feel complete,

Break the record,

If you hate the repeat.

Slam the door,

If you can live without,

Give up on curiosity,

If you don't want doubt.

Push me away,

If you can feel secure,

Leave me here hanging,

If you're still unsure.

Lock the windows,

If you can cope,

Give me my memories,

Snatch away hope.

Force me to fall,

If you can save yourself,

Run from my aid,

Don't care for my health.

Pull down the blinds,

If everything was a lie,

Promise me that,

And you're free to go high.

Drag down my form,

If you can live with the thought,

Take what you wish,

I'm at a naught.

Crush my bones,

If I mean so little,

Right or wrong,

Take out the middle.

End it here,

You're gone anyway,

My throat is dry,

There are no words left to say.

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