Failed Enchantment.

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Failed enchantment.

Take me as I am,

Or not at all,

From this moment on,

I am what you’ll fail to enthral.

I’ll watch the sky,

As it evolves into beauty from pale blue,

I’ll fall asleep alone,

Knowing its twice as blissful without you.

Treat me like a joke,

And watch me leave you like its funny,

I’ve been tolerant for far too long,

Well who’s laughing now, honey?

Accept me for who I am,

Or walk away as soon as possible,

Without you around,

Life seemingly has no obstacle.

Trust me with your secrets,

You mean sparse to me,

But they’ll be forever kept,

Loyal is the most vital thing to be.

Claim to love me like nothing else,

But it will never be the same,

I’m very rarely worth something to you,

What lies with you is total blame.

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