Paint Pallet.

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Paint pallet.

Colour my world grey,

As if shadows are forever,

Existing and living,

The two the world struggles to sever.

Paint my sky blue,

As if it’s the calmest thing we know,

Suppressed by reality,

The world is still expected to grow.

Dye my grass green,

As if nothing else is more fitting,

The most beautiful thing is life,

on a gold mind we’re all sitting.

Shade my sun gold,

As if happiness is all that exists,

we’re all on roads,

With ever increasing twists.

Polish my world with beauty,

As if smiles are the beginning of life,

Strength is within all of us,

We’re just working to break the ice.

Wrap my world in a rainbow,

Endless colours to drown in,

happiness is a translation,

Meaning with it there are no sins.

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