Never again.

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 Never again:

 From a distance I observe her actions,

And her thoughts as they are wrapped in shadows,

Her movements as darker forces around her,

Destroy her dreams with arrows.

I watch as she cowers,

Dizzy with the approach of tears,

She knows the factors of what she’s feeling,

This could be a problem for many years.

She’s blind to my presence,

And she soon looses all control,

It’s heartbreaking to view,

She is slowly looses grip on her mind, body and soul.

I shiver as she holds onto her life,

Using a flimsy strand of thread,

I’m caught between this world and the next,

It’s a  brand new look on  life all together, There’s no chance of my getting better if I end up dead.

I step back into my skin,

And fight to gain control once more,

Although its difficult to get back,

The life I had previously adored.

The girl I was previously,

has long since passed the grave,

But I can’t give up on trying,

What is left I have to attempt to save.

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