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Manipulative is he,

Controlling along side that,

His silver eyes haunt me,

As he walks over my will power, as if it were a doormat.

Bright do his eyes shine,

They glow with a knowing sense of power,

He is completely aware,

That a simple movement of the fingers, can force me to cower.

I’m powerless to do anything other than to submit,

Unable to break the spell,

His actions are my fault, I appear to play him as a fiddle,

The aftermath of his attacks, forces me to match this life, as a definition to hell.

His feet dance across my heart,

Leaving me with not a single shred of will,

His soul takes pleasure in my broken state,

Any shred of happiness, he is more than glad to kill.

His claws break my skin,

as I struggle to escape,

His touch leaves me feeling stained,

I fear that if I do not run from him now, my future will begin to quickly take shape.

Abusive as he is,

and fearful as I am,

I must do nothing but keep him at arms length,

Show him and my own mind that I lack the ability to give a damn.

Strong is the sun above,

As are the stars at night,

Once a weakened soul,

Now having no choice but to fight.

I yearn for the love,

That only a human can provide,

Rather than an inanimate object,

The object that leaves me with no other solution, other than to hide.

Sudden is the run,

From my living hell,

I now exist in the open fields of happiness and love,

Rather than existing only in the scared walls of a cell.

Away lies the needle,

and scared I may be,

Things are no longer a deep, sickening struggle,

At the end of every tale, happiness is a guarantee.

Within the land of the living,

I do now roam free,

I finally feel as if,

I am the girl I was always meant to be.

Distant are his sharp, silver claws,

Stronger am I,

I’m in possession of his power,

finally dead, is the long burning desire to die.

Its been 86 days,

And despite still being under-cover,

I no longer have need for him,

I’m proud to say, i am no longer in need of my sharp, silver, possessive lover.

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