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You’ve been beaten down,

Left with no other choice,

But I know you can win the battle,

You’ve still got your voice.

You could lie down,

And except this fate,

But I’m here to tell you,

It’s not too late.

Your dreams are close,

Yet they seem so far,

But I believe you can reach them,

This time without creating a number of new scars.

They can watch,

And mock your approaching success,

But you can be sure you’re on the right path,

They just don’t know you well enough to know you’re capable of progress.

It’s not wrong to trip every once in a while,

As long as you rise once more,

Don’t stay on the ground,

But there’s so much of the world still left to explore.

Brush aside the pain,

Because you’re better than this,

run from the old lover,

Life has a much sweeter kiss.

Set your sights on the future,

The bright lights ahead,

Its blunt,

But you’re no good to anyone if you end up dead.

Fate has it mapped out,

You’re going places sweetheart,

With those around you now,

From your old life and thought pattern you will depart.

You’re too young to give up,

So continue on the road to recovery,

Its paved with good intentions,

And ends with a self made, personal, discovery.

Long will be the road,

Difficult will be the task of coping,

But I promise it will improve,

The key, is to always keep hoping.

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