Could you make me love you?

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Could you make me love you?

Could you make my hear beat any quicker?

Could you leave me any less capable of speech?

You leave me breathless,

Though know you're out of reach.

Could you stop my heart any quicker?

All it takes is one simple wink

For me to loose all sense of reality,

For me to loose the ability to think.

Could others make me anymore jealous?

I'm fighting for your attention,

Butterflies now control my actions,

I’m already falling, contradictory to my first intention.

Could you make me smile any stronger,

Despite being unaware?

If I thought I had a chance,

I'd go with you anywhere.

Could you make my name sound any more perfect?

I had no idea it was possible to do so,

Your smile is my weakness,

Capable of forcing me to forget any previous low.

Could my hopes be any higher,

Right under your gaze,

Here I feel good enough for another soul,

Here my heart feels ablaze.

Could you make me feel any more beautiful?

A feeling I struggle to comprehend,

This letter I can write,

but am unable to send.

Could you make me fall

Deeper into this well,

Another soul

I shall never tell.

Could you make me feel any more complete?

Already a brighter version of me,

the last door of opportunity left,

To which you hold the key.

Could you make me love you?

Could I make you love me?

I beg, don’t leave me drowning,

let me fall, truly, madly, deeply.

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