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I’ve always believed,

That beauty lies within the eyes of the beholder,

And now I know that it is possible,

To become wiser, before you got older.

I’m capable of more than this,

I’m a lot stronger than an addiction,

But it’ll always be an option,

with my mind, and desire there will always be friction.

 I am not perfect,

Nor do I claim to be,

I’m just attempting to remain positive,

And hope that the true beauty of life, I can continue to see.

My confidence is blossoming,

As a result of the recent income of praise,

Although my thoughts are still complicated,

They can no longer be given the title of a maze.

As I grow to become slightly settled,

With who I am,

The opinions of those I dislike loose their importance,

And I’m beginning to fail to give a damn.

I’ve always believed,

That hope lies on distant waters,

addiction is a powerful force,

But I’m proud to say I fought her.

I am not innocent,

Nor do I claim to be,

But I am strong,

And hard times I no longer must flee.

I’m giving survival my all,

And I cannot do much more than that,

Some time in the future,

For the team of the strong and valued, I do wish to bat.

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