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I step away from my body,

And take a damn good look,

It seems from unhappiness,

I am unable to unhook.

Taking a good look in the mirror,

I watch the desperate tears fall,

to escape from the flames of desire,

Under them I must crawl.

 Watching my every move,

I still can’t see the cause,

still think negatively,

All I can see are my own flaws.

Insecurity shines through,

On even the darkest of days,

desperation clouds my thoughts,

And pushes me back to old ways.

I have the choice,

To either face my fears or to my feelings submit,

Although the submission is tempting,

The promise to myself and those around me to quit I must commit.

With unexplained self hate,

Already settled in my gut,

At the sight of every sharp silver object,

I long to make a fresh cut.

The memory of the freedom it provides,

Of the falling blood,

spreads a sickening but an relief filled thought,

And tears threaten to cause a flood.

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