The pair.

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If this is dark,

Then you are my light,

If this is an up hill battle,

Then you're my reason to fight.

At the sound of keys,

My thoughts used to jump to you,

And now like many dreams,

My assumptions are true.

If this is love,

Then you're my heart,

if this is a new game,

You are my start.

Full of thoughts,

This happiness is overdue,

Unable to string a sentence together,

I'm here writing letters to you.

If this is a song,

Then you are the tune,

And if this is the night,

You're the moon.

Smiling at nothing,

Happy without reason,

This is life,

At the beginning of a new season.

If this is me,

Then you are my sanity,

This is the world,

You're restoring my faith in humanity.

Crazy beautiful life,

A free heart at last,

Exhilaration is my future,

Miles away from the past.

If this is a book,

Then you're every paragraph,

And if life is the comedy,

Then I will produce the last laugh.

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