Thank you.

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Thank you.

Words I lack,

For a description of thee.

To fit the lock of every new problem,

Out of thin air you'll always pluck a key.

Wisdom is never far behind,

Every sole phrase,

But unlike those within the world,

At your words never am I left in a daze.

Elegance, understanding and sheer Intelligence,

Shapes your very demeanour,

You're extremely determined,

To your own requirements you let very little act as an intervener.

You keep my sanity in place,

And keep me going.

Always do you drag the sun out,

And keep my skies from snowing.

Talent radiates,

From each of your fingers,

And despite my not believing them,

Every sole compliment you give me, in my head and in my heart do they linger.

Unlike those around me,

You point out my strengths rather than my flaws,

And with my problems,

You’ll spend time with me, in the hope of finding a cause.

Addicted to chocolate,

unable to abstain,

Within conversations,

the correct balance between humour and seriousness we’re able to sustain.

You may be a stranger in some ways,

But you’re the opposite in most,

I owe you an immense amount of gratitude,

To help me you’ve done your utmost.

Many thanks rest,

Within my words,

and with your support,

I’ve found myself at heights larger than that of birds.

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