Chapter 22: Nightmare

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My body crashed to the floor as my weak arm's tried to hold my body up. I could see the blood dripping off my wet hair as I pulled myself up. My finger's were trembling as they struggled to push off the hard floor. I could hear his footsteps coming closer as my breathing became more and more unstable. The fear inside of me was growing as each step came closer towards the door. The adrenaline rushed through my body as I flung myself up and ran, I ran for my life, not knowing where I was going. I escaped through the front door as I hid behind a wall. My body was so weak that I couldn't stand up anymore. I slid down the wall as I cupped my hand's over my mouth to keep my breathing quiet. I could see the bruises that were forming on my arm's and the red finger marks that seemed to stain my skin. The tears began to roll down my face as fear engulfed me. How could an innocent date night turn into my worst nightmare.

I could hear him. 

I could hear his footsteps coming closer as I looked for somewhere to run, but my body couldn't even move. I was frozen with fear. 

"Where are you hiding, honey.." 

His eerie voice screeched through my ear's as if somebody was gliding their nails on a chalkboard. I had no option but to stay hidden and hope to god that he would not find me. I was praying in this moment for somebody to save me, for somebody to rescue me from this awful life that I was trapped in. 

I could see his shadow from around the corner as I cupped my hands tighter. My breathing was shaky as I tried to hide the sound of my fearful cries. I could see his step's coming closer as I hugged my knees, knowing he had found me. 

"There you are." His voice was like glass shattering through my ears as I screamed out for somebody to help me.

"Help me! Plea.." I scream out desperately before he covered my mouth with his hand.

"Nobody is coming for you, you're worthless. Why would anybody want to help you?" he says with the most vile laugh. He always knew how to bring me down, make me feel like a mistake on this earth. My cries where now louder than ever, I was fearing for my life as he stared into my eye's. He picks me up from the ground as I kick and scream trying my best to get free from his grip. I was kicking my leg's while digging my nail's into his back as I fought for myself. I could feel my hand's paining from the punches I was throwing at his face trying my best to escape. 

"Let me go!" 

"Let me"



My hand's were still clawing to get free as I punched and kicked him. I could feel his arms wrapping around me, his scent was lingering all around me as I cried my eye's out. I didn't want to open my eye's out of fear, fear of seeing my ex in front of me. I could still feel my unstable breathing against his chest as I buried myself into him. My hand's were shaking as I clenched my fist's and crawled into a ball. The tear's were running down my cheek's as he held my head in his arm's. I could still see his face, the blood, and bruises that were embedded on my body and soul in my mind.

"You're okay now" he repeated while holding me close in his arms. My heart began to clam down at the thought of being held in Yoongi's arms. I could feel my breathing begin to slow down as he held my face away to look at me. I opened my eye's to see Yoongi holding me in the bed. I could see the scratch mark's all over his chest that I had given him. I look up at him with teary eye's while he give's me a reassuring look. 

I had just exposed my true-self to Yoongi, the fear's that still corrupted me in this new life, the one's that I could never escape. He wiped away my tear's with his thumb as he kissed my forehead. My body grew warm as I felt the fear escape me, I felt safe for the first time. 

✔️ So far away: A BTS and Min Yoongi fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now