My Main Man Henry

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Dakota stood in the Cortex watching as Cisco used a hologram to chase down some criminals in a vehicle. "Guys, come on. Let me go out there."

"Wells said that Zoom can't know you're alive. We'll lose all element of surprise." Cisco pointed out.

Dakota watched as Cisco stopped the car by using the wind up of the lightning toss.

"I didn't think this hologram thing was gonna work but damn!" Iris said high fiving Cisco.

"It's not gonna last. It's going to be long before somebody figures it out." Wells says coming into the Cortex. "Dakota's right. She should be out there. But we'll lose the element of surprise on Zoom."

"With Dakota unable to go out there, this is as good as any right now." Iris argued.

"I beg to differ. Instead of playing around, we should be focused on rebuilding the particle accelerator to get Barry's speed back." Wells replied.

"Yeah but look what that explosion did to this city." Barry pointed out.

"Not to mention, last time we tried something like that, we blew in the universe and created like fifty portals to your Earth." Cisco added on to Barry's argument.

"Which is exactly how Zoom and his henchmen got here in the first place." Dakota continued.

"I told you, I know how to contain the explosion." Wells said.


"I have your Wells's data. I know what chemicals need to be in your body for this to work. I know how the lightning needs to bond with the dark matter from the particle accelerator explosion. I can recreate the circumstances to get your speed back. This will work."


A few hours later after arguing with Wells, Barry comes back with his father.

"Henry?!" Dakota says coming out of the treadmill room. "It's so good to see you!"

"You're fast now?" He asks looking at her suit.

"It's a long story. Looks like Barry dragged you away for a bit." Dakota smiles as Iris hugs Henry next.

"Looks like maybe for good." Barry replies.

"Really?! Oh that's so great!" Dakota said excitedly, changing out of her suit.

"I've spent enough time away from my son."

Dakota looked down at her phone as it vibrated, "I have to go to work. Something came up, I'll see you guys later."


Dakota and her team stood outside CCPD with the rest of the police department. "So Zoom's up there?"

"Yeah." Singh replied. "I called you because metahumans are more your thing."

"You think my team can do anything about a speedster?" Dakota raised her brow at him. "I'm not sending anybody up there. Besides, Zoom thinks I'm dead. I'd like to keep it that way, for now at least."

"Wait, he thinks you're dead? Why?" Singh asked as they walked back to the command truck.

"He tried to kill me, but that's not really important. We're not safe out here. We need to set up somewhere else."

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