Ronnie is back...sort of

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Before leaving STAR Labs, Dakota managed to find herself a rifle and a shirt for Griffin. Afterwards, she continued to wander around the city and enjoy the differences between the two earths. Kota used her cellphone and tracked Barry's location. He was going to Jitters and she had decided then to go on a roof across the way to watch over him.

Dakota watched as two metahumans, people she knew in the other world: Killer Frost aka Caitlin and Deathstorm aka Ronnie and Martin enter Jitters, probably looking for Barry. She had no idea what they were saying but it was not going well. Iris had pointed her gun at them shouting something that was probably something like "CCPD YOU'RE UNDER ARREST!" Dakota immediately started to sprint down the fire escape.

Meanwhile, there was a standoff in Jitters. Killer Frost had become upset after Barry stopped her icicles with a table and she ordered Deathstorm to kill Iris. Before Iris could even move, Joe blocked the shot by jumping in front of his daughter. By the time she reached the ground Barry took Caitlin and Ronnie outside.

"Well hello breachers." Caitlin grumbled.

"He's a speedster." Ronnie added and looked at Dakota. "So is she. Zoom has been looking for her."

"I've always wanted to kill a speedster." Caitlin continued and pointed to Dakota. "Get her. The other one is mine."

Barry glanced at her, "Be careful."

"You too."

Dakota pointed her rifle at Deathstorm, "Come get me."


Dakota ducked and rolled as he fired at her. She pulled the trigger and bullets went flying towards him but Ronnie just continued to dodge them. The fight with Caitlin wasn't going well either. Barry was dodging the ice but she was getting closer and closer.

This time, Ronnie got lucky and one of his shots hit by Dakota's feet and she was launched into the air. Dakota landed on the ground with a yelp.

"Dakota!" Barry shouted as he continued to fight Killer Frost.

She managed to get up to her hands and knees. Dakota spit out some blood and wiped her mouth. "I'm fine." Her rifle was twenty feet away from and Kota began her crawl towards it.

Ronnie smiled and fired another shot. Dakota rolled fifty feet away from her rifle and Ronnie landed in front her. "Your dopplegänger got lucky. She doesn't have powers. You, not so much." Ronnie picked Dakota up by her throat as Caitlin rolled next to him after being hit by one of her blasts that bounced thanks to Barry.

"No!" Barry screamed and watched as Deathstorm disappeared with Dakota and Caitlin.

Hero of Central CityOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora