FBI to the Rescue

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Woodrue Grow House

Dakota, Matty, Barry, and Jay all stormed the building together. First they let Jay go in first with Dakota and Matty as backup, hidden in the shadows.

"I'm putting you away forever Sand Demon." Jay announced.

"That bomb under her chair is concussive. If you try to save her you will die." Sand Demon threatened.

The two started to fight and Jay was not winning. Dakota decided to jump from her spot and tackled Sand Demon to the ground. Her and the metahuman began fighting and Dakota was somewhat winning. It was hard because....well it was sand. Sand Demon knocked her to the ground and turned his attention to Jay.

In the distraction Barry grabbed Patty out of the chair.

As he did Dakota leapt forward to shield everyone else from the bomb.

"DAKOTA NO!" Matty shouted reaching for her.

The bomb went off and everyone flew backwards. Matty landed near Kota who wasn't moving.

Sand Demon lifted Jay off the ground, choking him.

Barry spun around them using the technique Jay taught him.

Matty on the other hand was tearing open Dakota's vest and performing CPR on his partner.

Barry managed to defeat Sand Demon but his fiancé is dying, "What happened?"

"She's not breathing! She's not breathing!" Matty kept doing compressions on her chest. He slowly started to pull back. "Barry....I'm sorry...."

"No...." Barry had tears in his eyes as he cradled Dakota's head in his lap. "Don't do this to me...."

"Lightning. It can act as a defibrillator." Jay suggested kneeling beside them.

Barry let lightning sparkle in between his fingers and pressed his hand against her body, "Dakota....listen to me....you can't die on me now....you can't do this to me....I need you....I need you to be in my life....please...." He repeated the shocking until her body twitched.

She coughed and slowly opened her eyes to see Barry practically crying, "I died again didn't I?"

Matty chuckled, "Yeah. You did. Thanks for that."

Barry helped her sit up as she groaned.

"I never had someone take a bomb for me." Jay murmured.

She coughed, "You're welcome."

Matty hugged her and kissed her forehead, "Never do that to me ever again."

"No promises." She replied ruffling his hair.


Dakota lied on the hospital bed while Caitlyn examined her and Matty played thumb wars with Kota's right hand.

"Few fractured ribs and a few cuts. You'll be okay in a few weeks." She leaned in close to her ear. "And your blood is perfectly normal. No more speed force."

"Thanks Caitlyn." Dakota slowly sat up and swung her legs over the bed.

"You did a good thing today." Jay pointed out as Dakota limped into the Cortex with the help of Matty.

"It's my job." Kota grumbled.

"You jumped on a bomb." Barry snapped. "That was supposed to kill a speedster. And it nearly killed you."

Matty pulled away, "I'll leave you two alone."

Jay followed him out.

"What was I supposed to do?! Let you take the hit! Let you die!" Dakota shouted wincing.

"You're not the hero anymore! I thought you retired that part!" Barry argued.

"I retired the vigilante! Being an agent, saving lives, is still my job!" Kota grabbed her bag and called for Cooper.

She limped through the building and to her truck.

Barry's Apartment

Dakota lied on the couch and stared at the knife Derek had given her that sat on the coffee table. She picked up her phone and called Matty.

"Hey I was just about to call you. I....uh....heard the argument." Matty said gently.

"I don't know what to do." Kota groaned.

"You don't have to change anything about you." Matty murmured. "And if he can't respect that then...."

"I know. I gotta go. He just walked in." Dakota hung up the phone and sat up. "Hey...."

Barry came over to the couch and sat next to her, "I'm sorry....that I flipped out...it's just your heart stopped."

"I know-"

"You see, that's the thing. You don't know. You died. You didn't have a heartbeat. Matty was freaking out....I...."

Dakota rested her hand on his, "This isn't about me dying, is it?"

"I....it's just....I can't help but wonder how Iris and I end up together." Barry replied.

"You made this about her?! Seriously?! My heart stopped and you made it about her!" Dakota stood up in anger but yelped in pain, stumbling.

Barry leaped up and caught her, "Shhh....it's okay....I got you...."

"I hate you." Kota grumbled as he carried her to their bed.

"No you don't. You love me." Barry smirked as he leaned over her. "Get some rest."

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