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"Jesus Christ Barry! I could've shot you!" Dakota shouted holstering her gun.

Matty slunk back in the kitchen so the Mac and cheese wouldn't burn.

"So Grodd returned." Barry said quietly. "I stopped him. I actually ran and defeated him. We sent him to Earth 2. At first I thought it was my dad who got me up. But it was you." Barry paused for a moment and gave a goofy grin. "It has always been you who's been keeping me on my feet. I....I've been trying to find a way to apologize to you. To tell you how sorry I am. But I can't find the words. The truth is there aren't any right words. There's no right words on how sorry I am. But if you'll let me, there's something I'd like to show you."

Dakota glanced back at Matty who was watching them closely and then looked down at Legend who was staring at Barry eagerly.

Go, Matty mouthed.

"Take my hand. Please." Barry begged.

Dakota took his hand and let him pull her, "Where are we going?"

Barry smiled and squeezed her hand, "You'll see."

Instead of flashing them to his surprise, they walked letting the suspense build up. They walked in silence since neither of them knew what to say.

Barry stopped and stood in front of her, "Close your eyes."

Dakota obeyed and let Barry drag her down the sidewalk some more.

He stopped and she felt him flash to a spot, "Okay open your eyes!"

When Dakota opened them she saw that Barry stood on the front porch with his arms stretched out.


Barry rushed forward and led her inside, "I was gonna wait until Christmas but....I figured we both needed a fresh start." He walked her upstairs and showed her the room across from the staircase. "So I thought this could be the kids' room if you want any. And our room is over there. The guest room is right next to it and-oh I almost forgot. Come on!"

Barry ran down the stairs taking Dakota with him and didn't stop until they hit the backyard. In the back was an entire course to help train Legend.

Dakota was speechless the whole time, she didn't know what to say.

"Well? Do you like it?" Barry asked excitedly. She still didn't say anything. "I know I screwed up. I'm really really-"

Dakota jumped into his arms and cut him off with a kiss. Barry relaxed and supported her by gripping her thighs.

She pulled away smiling, "You screw up like that again, I'll kill you."

Barry set her down, "I'll get your stuff. And Legend." He kissed her again. "Don't go anywhere."

Barry disappeared down the road.

Dakota grabbed her phone and called Matty, "Hey...."

"Hey. So Barry is grabbing your stuff. He's in the apartment." Matty said quietly.

"About before-"

"Don't worry about it." He replied.

"I need a favor. And you can't tell anybody. Not even Barry." Dakota continued glancing around.

"Whatever it is. I'm in."

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