Oh There You Are Harry

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Dakota and Legend enter the conference room to see her team analyzing blueprints of a building, "What do we got?"

"A tip reported gang and drug related activity in the vicinity of this building." Matty replies showing her the blueprints.

"Okay, these are outdated. We need satellite images." Dakota grabbed her phone and called the only person she could. "Catherine. Hey, it's Dakota."

"What do I owe the pleasure?" She asks.

"I know you're not in the Navy anymore but I need a favor." Dakota replied still typing away on the laptop. "I need some satellite images from an address I'm sending you now."

"Got it. I'll see what I can do."


Back at STAR Labs the rest of the team was trying to track Harry. They were locating the signal Harry's watch was sending out to alert of the metahumans.

"There he is, Central City Amusement Park." Cisco announced as he stared at the monitor.

"I'm coming with this time." Jesse insisted.

"Great, we found Harry, but how are we going to stop Grey?" Iris asked.

Cisco got up from his seat and started to walk over to Barry's suit, "Call Dakota and let her know. But, if she doesn't show up, Jesse and I upgraded the internal lining of the suit. Felicity hooked us up with some dwarfstar alloy."

"Wait, dwarfstar alloy?" Iris sounded confused as they gathered around Cisco and Barry's suit.

"It's the same compound to protect Ray's ATOM suit." Barry told her.

"That's right. Super strong. Super lightweight. Only thing is, we couldn't get much of it." Cisco explained. "We could only cover the chest portion of the suit. Here's the other thing, probably not a big deal, I'm guessing the suit will absorb one of Grey's punches. Anything more than that, you'll be like a piñata."


Dakota and her team were in the building where they would hopefully find the drugs they've been looking for. Something was definitely there, Legend was getting antsy.

"Dakota." Barry had called her and she picked up, putting it through her comms.

"I'm a little busy here Barry." Dakota murmured as her team ducked behind some old crates.

"We're at Central City Amusement Park looking for Wells. Just please come as soon as you can." Barry hung up and it was silent.

Well, except for the drug dealers shooting at them.


Dakota appeared at the park in her suit to see Griffin Grey standing over Barry. "Hey!" Barry ducked out of danger as Grey turned towards her. "You have a friend of mine and I'd like him back!"

"Once I kill you, I'll kill him too." Grey threatens walking towards her.

She rolls her eyes and forms a ball of lightning in her hands, "I've heard that before."

The ball shoots out of her hands and into Grey's chest. It sends him flying backwards and he lands on the ground, unconscious or dead (probably dead).

Dakota rushes over to her friends, "Sorry I'm late, you guys okay?"

Barry stands up and clutches his ribs, "I'm fine."

Kota walks over to Grey and rolls him over. He looked like an eighteen year old kid again. "Come on, let's get Harry."

Once the team found Harry, Jesse got to apologize to him and their relationship was restored. Dakota got to use her powers against an actual person and she felt really good about it.

Zoom is still out there and they have to find Caitlin and stop Zoom before it's too late.

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