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Rainbow's pov

"Rainbow you'll be expelled" pinkie whined on her phone "you have to go to school"

Sooo yeah i didn't go to school because of the deepest depression i have been feeling all this time. Soarin skies had made me look like an idiot

"Just understand me pinkie..." I can feel the pout on her face on the other line "But rainbow dash--fine i understand you but please be healthy" she sighed accepting everything I want. Okay pinkie, i'll promise to be healthy.

The door opened and blitz wears a serious face "Rainbow dash if you want to stay in this house forever but can you please graduate?!" Graduating...... Is my goal

"I'd do it for all of you" i buried my face on this bunch of pillows stacking on my bed. I think I haven't wash them for a while

I heard him sighed and he came forward to me "mom and dad doesn't know about you skipping classes" should i be relieved now?

"Its nearly your graduation day and you haven't even made a single move" i just stayed in this blank face I always have."Listen, Soarin is not worth to cry on" my eyes turned wide and I have to cover my mouth and think about it, I haven't told him anything yet.

"how did you know?" I sheepishly asked getting scared on what will be his reaction.

"He told me" so he did, that idiot. "I'm gonna go take a bath" I got up from my bed and directly went inside the bathroom.


2 days have passed and i decided to get back to class, it was a little bit embarassing because everyone knows why i was out of class for a week. Right now, we are sitting on the bench outside the building, talking about me and soarin.

"Dash!" Rarity called my name and i just have to look at her with these buggy eyes "What?" I questioned and she sighed, in relief "finally you caught my attention"

"So what was it that your gonna say?" I asked her again and her face is full of excitement. "Applejack and fluttershy is going back!" She squealed and, me? I let out a small smile, knowing that my friends are coming over. "When then?" i asked "on graduation which is 2 days later"

Wow, i didn't know that i'm graduating highschool now. Its a very stressful year but then I was transferring school always. Which college should i go then? Should i just go back to hollywood-- wait soarin is there, i ain't going back there.

"Thats a good news then" i chuckled and she shared her laugh to me too "well its getting dark, we should go home?" I nodded and we both got up from our positions. Saying goodbye to each other.


Its saturday morning and i went out to go at a cafe nearby. It was a cold morning so i have to use two jackets, funny right?

I ordered a normal latte, as always and sat down on the nearest chair i've seen.

I can see college students studying for their board exams. I can imagine myself doing that all day, that must be tiring af.

I'm still confused whether i should take a medical course or study at a performing arts school.

But all of that dependa though, tomorrow is my graduation and i only have blitz attending my grad and that is the saddest thing ever, well not really, so dramatic.


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