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Rainbow's pov

Its been five days since the graduation and five days also since the day applejack and fluttershy left. We have spent a lot of quality time and that is enough for me.

I actually hate going outside with accompanies so i go alone whenever i need something or anything relevant.

I still don't know what to do with my future or college but mom and dad is sending me to Japan for this Performing arts school. I actually wanted that than taking exams for a medical course.

Well lets just hope that i'll get accepted to that school with this attitude. I am a good person, note that.

Right now i just need to relax and study more for music. I have to major music in that case since i do not know any talent except on singing, playing instruments and producing music. Thats my life.

And they said i would probably get into a medical school because of my grades and scores but i hate blood. Yes i do and it just makes me want to fucking vomit whenever i see a drip going out.

Let me stop this seriousness on what my future is gonna be, right now i am at the mall with myself. I am alone and i wanted that since the day soarin left me.

Now he is coming back to my head, i know everyone liked that we are getting together but i am still moving on. I hated the fact that he was with that slut and let out the fake FACT that we are only friends when they do not know that WE ARE SMOOCHING. And that is the most gross thing i have ever done and thought.

I walked inside a donut store, ordering a sprinkled donut and iced coffee. In this way i know i am relaxing but no.

"Rainbow dash" a familiar voice squealed my name and thats pinkie pie, with rarity.

Smile up through your heart, fake. ,"Hi rarity,pinkie" i grinned and pinkie squeezed me with that tight hug.

"I never knew you would be lonely here" pinkie said

"Its not like i want someone to go with me" i chuckled and both of them look to each other and back at me.

Rarity sighed sitting at the stool beside me "soarin really did change you"

Here it goes again.

"what do you mean?"
"i know you would like to spend time with us whenever you're bored but now you are alone"

I actually was thinking about that, i just want to be alone right now and that wouldn't be as forever.

I know i need someone to bw with me since i am still depressed but i think its the other way. I am starting to have anxiety with it. Because of that man. Soarin skies.

"i'm sorry about that then" rarity quickly apologized. I actually love how my friends love and cares about me. Thats why i never intended to leavr them even when i am alone.

"Its nothing to worry about, besides i have moved on" i smiled at them. I am not the element of honesty anyway so whatever.

"Wow dashi you really have moved on" pinkie laughed "we should celebrate that then?"

Both me and rarity groaned "Its nothing to celebrate, really" i chuckled "rainbow is right" rarity added.

"Outing, then?"

We all looked to each other and we all nodded in unison "yes"

"Lets consider that outing right now" rarity laughed

We went out of the donut shop, heading somewhere else to go.

I am a lazy person and i hate to explain everything what happened but its a cliche thing every friends and couples do.

Basically, we went out shopping, i mean not we but Rarity. We roamed the mall for hours and after that we went to party at a club nearby. Don't worry i did not do something wrong, maybe a dew drinks? But actually i wasn't sore, i just want to lighten up my mood with the both of them as always since twilight still studies for incoming college entrance exams. That girl is crazy, definitely.

I arrived home to see blitz sleeping at the sofa. I walked towards him and patted his shoulder "blitz, go sleep at your bed" i whispered and he nodded with a groan.

I walked pass him directly heading upstairs to my bedroom. I hopped on my bed, embracing it. My bed is the only thing i could embrace so stop.

I then do not know what to do and i am so tired right now. I just took off my thick coat and hanged it beside my bed. I am really lazy and too tired to hang it at the back of the door.

Right now i just need more time to sleep, maybe until 10? Whatever let me just sleep.


Misunderstood Feelings || A Soarindash TaleМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя