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Rainbow's Pov

Its Saturday and it means i have this part time work at this recent cafe. Just a good thing since i applied cause if i haven't i would not have money right now.

I need money for my expenses and the only money my mom and dad sends me is for my school and a little budget which isn't even much as 100 dollars.

Right now, i am here at the station of Tokyo. I don't want to be here but i need it for money.

I still can't speak fluent Japanese but i am learning it.

"Ohayo! Anata wa watashitachi no kōhī o tameshite mitaidesu?" I repeated it again and again to various people who'd take the flyer. And it actually means 'Goodmorning, would you like to try our coffee' thingy.

And for fuck sake they are just pushing and ignoring me. Are there even polite people here like me?

I felt dizzy and i do not really know what to do but then this guy bumped into me. All of my flyers fall out of my hands. I am frustrated about this and i really wanted it to end up.

I didn't took a glance at him, i'm so mad. He helped me on getting all the papers at the floor and gave it to me

He is a foreigner and he'd understand me right?

"Sorry sir" i apologized even though its his fault.

I looked up at his face, he is tall. And is that soarin?! No, soarin isn't that tall. BUT ITS PUBERTY! Just focus.

"Are you heading to Osaka? Why not try our best selling coffee near the station there?" I handed him a flyer. Why did i even say that?

"Yes,i will, thank you" he quickly dashed into the crowd. Seems like he was finding someone though.

But why did i even think of Soarin? His voice,his face, his hair. Is he really Soarin?

I followed him with my eyes and seems like he came back with a girl, orange haired girl, spitfire?

Okay that is him but What the fuck, how did he managed to find me here?

Or is it just a coincidence?

I am sure he is heading for a train, back to Osaka. And i am not gonna cross ways with him so i'd probably use the bus.

I throwed away the remaining flyers at the trash can and left for the bus. The bus is a bit slower than the train but whats the point of riding and expensive one?

I went up to the bus and swiped my card. I sitted at the back row quietly,looking at the window.

I walked in my working place to see a few customers only. I was walking to the counter but someone called me "hey!". I turned to look at him and Oh fuck!

Its Him.

I cannot help but cover my mouth to prevent me from gasping. I just waved at him as a sign of being polite. I honestly want to ignore him as i could.

"Ya! Dash!" Zapp greeted me.Zapp is my friend and she lives at the same apartment and goes to the same school as me. We also work on the same cafe. We just became friends since sge was also a foreigner and she's the only one that i can understand.

"Ya! Zapp" i playfully greeted her back

"So how was the flyer give away?"

"Hectic, people ignored and pushed me away."

She put her arms on my shoulders and looked at me with soothing eyes "its okay, at least we get payed for that" we both laughed and went back to our working business.

"Dash, could you serve that order to that table?" I followed zapp's hand which is pointed at the table, of him.

"Why? You should do it" i said

"Dash,you're a waitress"

It took me seconds to respond to her. I stood up and took the tray, walking towards their table.

i took the the glass and plates from the tray and put it on their table. And why are they looking at me, probably they recognized me.

You know it hurts seeing your ex dating his girlfriend.

"One Strawberry Latte, iced coffee and two chocolate crepes" i said "any other additions?" I tried smiling.

"Y-yes" This guy was stuttering, he thought i didn't noticed him. I am sure its Soarin but i do not want to call him as 'Soarin' right now if he doesn't introduce himself as 'Soarin Skies'

"What's your addition then?"


What the fuck

"Um, excuse me?"

"Let us talk"

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