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Rainbow's pov

About the title up there ☝
Its really true! The house is so freaking quiet!!
Soarin ignores me for a week

"Rainbow.... you have to talk to him" rarity told me
"Why are you telling that to me?" I asked

"Isn't it obvious?" I look at her, she has that grin like pinkie pie! And its so fvcking annoying as hell

"What?" ..... "DUH BECOZ I FVCKING WANT TO TALK TO HIM!!! please rainbow! Just for your friend! I want to talk to Soarin Skies even just for a minute!!!" She cried infront of me
I just looked at her
"Fine! But you have to help me.... i want to talk to him too" her face lits up with a bigger grin "yes i will rainbow! Thank you!!!!....... and by the way, i thought you two are friends, but why are the two of you are ignoring each other?" She asked "i....... don't wanna talk about that for awhile"

I don't really know the reason why he started ignoring me!
He enrolled his self to CHS but he doesn't attend classes

"Okay....sorry rainbow--" she was interuppted by a teacher
"Ms. Dash!" Our homeroom teacher called me "yes?"

"You are friends with Mr. Skies right? Could you tell him, if he doesn't attend school tomorrow, he will be suspended or even expelled" the teacher said i answered with a nod

We both looked as the teacher left the room
"This is your chance to talk to him....." rarity smiled "fine"

I heard a beep from my phone
Its a message

'Dash meet me at the park of 22nd avenue, 5:45"

I read it all again
What the fuck is happenning in the world?
Is that really him?

"Rainbow dash" rarity called my name, i looked at my wrist watch '5:30'
School is in 22nd avenue soooo "rarity, i'll go home alone, sorry!" I got my backpack but rarity stopped my hand

"What? I'm in a hurry" I said "your meeting soarin right?" She said
"What?! No!" I tried to get out from her grip but its to tight "rarity.....please"
She released her grip and i hold my wrist

" good luck...." she smiles at me
Oh my god that is so creepy....

I fast walk to the park becoz i estimated the distance if i just walk, maybe about 150 steps if i run

I went to sit down at the bench to recover my panting
I looked at the time '5:38'
I drank the rest of the water in my waterbottle

I waited about 5 minutes for him but he hasn't yet arrived

Its not that weird because i feel like i'm the only person in this area

"Did you wait long?" I heard a voice, probably soarin's

"Its been 5 minutes since i arrived here" i said and he sat down beside me.

"Why exactly are we here?" I asked becoz the atmosphere is getting awkward and awkward

"Wavechill wants to talk to you" he said

"Wavechill?.... and you can just tell that to me at home"
"Well i knew your in school and i was around here when wavechill called, he said he wants to talk to you and you just didn't how annoying he whines" he told me, i just stared at him blankly "oh yeah, gotta call him--" our ringtone came but i knew that it wasn't mine so... its soarin

"He is calling" .... "hello?" He answered the call
I took a little moment when he turn on the loud speaker for the two of us to hear

"Hello rainbow? Are you there?" Wavechill's voice asked
"Yes--" "thankgoodness soarin gave you his phone to talk to me!! By the way, why are you not answering my calls?"

I look around for answers, "its becoz i am so busy, sorry wavechill" i said, well actually i don't answer his phone calls becoz he is much more annying than rarity is

"Oh sorry to distract you rainbow, but i hope you have a good stay there, bye" and then he hung up
Soarin took his phone back to his pocket

"Oh by the way soarin, our teacher told me that if you don't go to school tomorrow gou'll be suspended or expelled even" i told him but he doesn't make a face

"Whatever...." he mummbled "but you have to go to school!" I told him
"I will if you just keep that head of yours shut up!" He made a fave that can easily scare me
"I am so sorry soarin..... i am really sorry" i apologized to what i have done that i really don't know
"Yes i accept that apology" he said ..

10 minutes of quietness later
20 minutes of quietness later

Is no one really gonna speak?!?!

"Ummm dash... this is too sudden but i want to tell you that" .... i looked at him in the eyes as we both stand up " that..........i like you, i like like you"

Sorry for the wait! Imma sleep now.... its like 10:31 p.m.


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