Chapter 28

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"Lilith." Sambuca gripped his sword as his eyes narrowed in on the Mistress.

"I know what you are thinking, Sambuca," Lilith said as her tongue slowly licked her lips. "You want to take that big sword and impaled me, screaming out your name until I beg for mercy. Then, when you don't think I can take any more, you finish me. Oh, Sambuca, that would be so satisfying. But I want to present you with an opportunity. I think an offer that you would be foolish to refuse."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Sambuca asked as his eyes scanned the other members of the clan. Being outnumber and, with the addition to the witch, also out powered. Sambuca took this chance to stall until he weighed out his options. "The only offer I would consider is you to release your Optios and face me single combat? Unless you are afraid that I will be too hard and too rough for you." A devilish smirk splashed on his face.

"I can take the best you got, Sambuca." Lilith ran her fingers through her hair. "I admit, the last time we tangled, left me breathless, but I survived."

"But this time," Sambuca added. "The only person that is only to be satisfied is me."

"You are so selfish."

"Damn," Ciara said. "Why don't y'all get a fucking tomb?"

"What is your offer?" Sambuca asked as he was working on a plan of attack, which was hard because the others clan members were watching them like a hawk.

"I will keep my Optios n and leave your city, forever," Lilith said. "But under one condition."

"Which is?"

"Join forces and destroy council,"

"What?" Sambuca's brows rose as he didn't expect these words to come from the Mistress's mouth.

"We need to end this, Sambuca," the Mistress said. "This conflict has been going long enough and neither one of us is getting any younger. This could be peaceful trues between of our factions. With our combined strength, we can kill all of the Masters of the other clans. And place me as Queen. I will rule all the remaining vampires, they would have no choice but the follow my word as they would follow any word of a Goddess. Peace could reign, Sambuca."

"Peace?" Sambuca questioned. "I only see you as a leader of a band of murderous creatures. How can there be peace has your clan slaughtered thousands to feed your new empire?"

Lilith smiled showing her pearly white fangs. "I see your concerns. We are creatures that need to feed. Maybe, our natural desire can be curved to a focus direction."

Sambuca's mind was in deep thought as the Mistress talked about peace and co-existing. "Focus direction?" He asked as he lowered his sword. "Like what?"

"The undesirables," Lilith explained. "The murders, rapists sexual predators, and mentally unstable will become our cattle."

Ciara looked at Sambuca, "That would eliminate everybody I used to date."

Lilith continued her speech. "What do you say, Sambuca? We worked together before. We were a good team." Her eyes traced over Sambuca's muscular built that his shirt, pants and jacket couldn't contain. "And not just on the battlefield."

One didn't need to have the heightened senses and insight of a vampire to pick up the clues that Lilith threw down. Ciara looked at her teacher as her lips curled as she said, "You son of a bitch!"

"It was a long time ago," Sambuca commented. "Focus, Ciara."

"Don't blame your daddy, Ciara?" Lilith said. "Many have desired me, but your daddy was the only one that." She paused as her eyes closed and her mind focused on the joy and pleasure that Sambuca gave her those many years ago. "Satisfy me."

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