Chapter 6

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Alice's Diner was one of the few places that was open twenty fours that wasn't a 7-Eleven or Walmart. A series of floor-mounted stools rested front to the counter, but Sarah placed herself in one of the booths. It was easier to keep an eye on the door and it provided some privacy from the servers and the patrons. The smell of burgers sizzling on the grill provided a pleasing aroma as well the coffee. The diner was known for having the best coffee in town. But the coffee wasn't the reason why Sarah wanted to meet Ciara. There had been several develops in the city since their brief meeting at the police station parking lot. She had to get some answers. She was wearing her black blazer and fitted black slacks. Her white blouse only had one button undone. She dressed for business this evening. She had no plans to play footsies or get lost in Ciara's blue eyes. Her fingers on her left hand were steadily tapping on the wooden tabletop, creating an annoying rhythmic beat that irritated a few patrons. Her other hand was busy holding her third cup of coffee. Several years ago, she would have been smoking a pack a Marlboros Reds, but she gave that up. Besides, she couldn't smoke in the diner anyway. Her legs steadily shook underneath the booth. Her heel repeatedly clicked against the vinyl tiles. She kept her eyes focusing on the door and window next to her seat. She looked at her phone, checking the time and text messages. Where is she? She thought. But she usually runs late, if it isn't about her. At times she can be a selfish bitch.

The diner door flew open, almost knocking down the bell. Ciara was able to get in a quick shower, or she would had a lot of explaining to do if she can in covered in blood and the rank smell of death. Even though she was clean, there were still evidence of the fury battle that took place earlier that night. Her shoulder was still tender and she favored her left leg as she limped into the diner. There were some bruising on her face, but she attempted to cover them up foundation and make-up. She wore a light leather jacket to cover the bruises on her arms and jeans to cover the ones on her legs. She didn't have time to fix her hair. She winced as her seat down at the booth.

"You look like something the cat hocked up." Sarah's eyes looked over the dishevelness of her friend. "There isn't a police report out there that you need me to bury?"

Ciara giggled and her body cringed as her ribs ached with each laugh. "There isn't any police involvement. I just had a very bad night."

Sarah finished her third cup of coffee and signaled the waitress and bring another cup. "Your night is about to get worst." She pulled out some files from her soft leather briefcase and placed them on the table. She opened the file and pictures of Ms Sun's dead body.

Ciara wasn't shocked by the image, since she saw the corpse earlier that night. "That's Ms Sun," she said. "What happen to her?" Trying to play the part of a concern person, which was always hard for her.

Sarah leaned in. "She was murdered," she stated, "but she wasn't the only one tonight." She turned the page of the file. "Mr. and Mrs. Simons and their nine year old daughter." She turned the page again. "Mr. and Mrs. Craig and their twelve year old son. All were viciously murdered tonight and they had two things in common. Their daughters are missing and..." She stopped talking and closed the file as the waitress returned to refill the cup. She remained quiet until the waitress left. "And they all received a visit from you."

Ciara leaned in closer to Sarah. "Are you trying to say I killed them?"

"Of course I'm not saying that, but their murders are very similar to the ones three years ago." Sarah reopened the files and showed the wounds of each body.

They all had their neck slit, but the cutting of the neck served a purpose. To hide the bite marks. Ciara was aware of this practice, but she could tell Sarah this. "So you think they are connected?"

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