Chapter 3

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Ciara thought about the past. She thought about the hate she had for Lilith. She obsessed over the Mistress for years. Her heart pounded in her chest, her body covered in sweat and her breathing increased. She felt the rage building up. She wanted to stick it to that bitch as Calvin was sticking it to her. Her nails ripped down his sweaty back. She needed this, the heat, the friction, the raw power and the pounding. It was hard, rough and nasty. She wrapped her legs around his ass. Her moans and screams were like growls and snarls that an animal would make. He pulled her hair and grunted as he released. She tightened her muscles and milked the life force out of him. She needed to feel the warm cum and his dick throbbing inside of her.

Then Ciara's phone rang, which was perfect because she could get rid of him. She got what she needed. The claw marks on his back might upset the little woman, but she didn't care. That was his problem. She pushed him off of her. She caught her breath and calmly answered the phone.

"Hey, Ciara, this is Ms Sun," the voice said on the phone. Ms Sun was one of the parents of the missing woman. Ciara gave all the parents her cell phone number to call her, if they had any new information.

"What's going on?" She covered the mouth piece and asked Calvin to leave. He didn't like it, but he did what he was asked.

"Madison came home!"

Ciara could hear the joy in Ms Sun's voice. "Really," she said. Thoughts raced in her mind. Maybe I was wrong about them being victims. "Is she okay?"

"She looked great," Ms Sun answered, "very well rested. She said the pressure at work got to her and she needed a break. She needed to get away. She was sorry that she didn't call and for worrying me. I felt that I needed to call you and let you know."

"I glad she is back and it wasn't serious. She just needed a break. I understand. I've been there before. Tell her to call next time when she needs a break."

"Yeah, I'm going to give her an old school lecture about that. She can't make it a habit of disappearing for two week and just show up one day knocking on my door."

The phrase 'knocking on my door' kept ringing in Ciara's head. Madison did live there. She must have a key, Ciara thought. "Did she lose her key?"

"No," Ms Sun answered. "When I opened the door, she was just standing there with her keys in her hand. She asked to come in."

Ciara finally realized what was going on. "Get out of the house," she ordered. "I'll be right over." She hung up the phone, grabbed her gear and stole Calvin's keys to his Harley and drove to Ms Sun's house.

Ciara knew she wouldn't get there in time. She was about twenty minutes away. The night was bright and clear as the Moon was full. The winds blew through her hair as she raced at top speed going in and out of the traffic. When she arrived at the home, the front door was open. She pulled her katana out of her bag and quickly approached the house. When she walked through the door, she saw the bloody corpse of Ms Sun. It looked like she was attack by an animal, she was covered in bites and claw marks and several deep cuts. Sitting in the Lazyboy chair was Madison covered in her mother blood.

"She was such a bitch." Madison slowly rose from the chair. She looked different then her pictures on the wall. Her skin was pale and flawless; her eyes were a lighter shaded of blue. Her blonde hair was slightly darker. She was wearing a pair of black jeans and dark red sleeveless blouse. When she smiled, one could see her inch long canine teeth.

"Mistress said you would come and you didn't disappoint." She wasn't like the vampires that Ciara faced the other day. She wasn't a mindless drone that was only motivated by blood. She was intelligence and cunning. Even though she was a monster, she still had some of her humanity, but just twisted.

Ciara looked at the Ms Sun's corpse. "You are still new at this, Madison. You made a bloody mess. Your first kill?"

Madison smiled and licked her lips. "Yes, but it won't be my last."

"It isn't too late for you," Ciara said as she pointed her katana at her. "Take me to your mistress and I will end this torment for you."

Madison cackled. "Defend yourself, meat." She waved her hand and Ciara was pushed by an invisible force several feet towards the wall. The blow took Ciara by surprise. Ciara dropped her katana. Madison jumped towards Ciara and grabbed her by the neck and effortlessly lift Ciara off her feet.

"I won't kill you," Madison said. "My mother always said I had a bad habit playing with my food." She threw Ciara across the room.

Ciara slowly got to her feet. Blood was dripping from her lip. "Okay." She spat blood out of mouth. "I see what you got. Come on bitch. Let's dance." Ciara knew she had no chance against her without her katana. She got to do something. Madison rushed her and Ciara performed a low spinning sweep kick. Madison flew down hard on to the floor. Ciara ran to her katana, but before she could grab it. The katana flew across the room.

"Come the fuck on," Ciara shouted in disbelief.

Madison quickly ran to Ciara and grabbed her by the throat and slammed her back to the wall. "Don't worry. I'm not going to kill you." Madison slowly tightens her grip. Ciara felt her life slipping away. Madison leaned in and licked the blood off on Ciara's lips. "You taste amazing. Maybe, just a little bite." Madison's fangs extended another inch and she got closer to Ciara's neck. Ciara felt Madison's warm breath. Ciara's body tensed as she braced for a pain that she never experience. Madison's mouth closed. "My Mistress wants to send Sambuca a message. Rosier clan is back and we are coming for him." Madison threw Ciara across the room like a ragdoll and left the house.

Ciara's pride was hurt more than her body. She was beaten and she knew it. Madison took pity on her. Madison could have easily killed her. Ciara picked up her katana and whatever was left of her self- esteem and made it back to the motorcycle. This sucked, she thought. Ciara called Calvin and explained to him that she would return his bike tomorrow. Calvin surprised Ciara. He was very forgiving and understanding. Damn, my pussy is good. Ciara had no plans on returning to room, she went to see her teacher, Sambuca.

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