Chapter 25

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Heavy chains bounded her hands behind her back. She struggled to break free, but there was no point to repeat the madness. She yelled out praying that someone could hear her, but no one came. There were no windows or lights of any kind in the room. Her eyes could not pierce the darkest. She yelled again in vain, but no one came. Her scent of sight was useless, she had to reply her others. She heard a door crept open and several footsteps coming towards her. She heard a familiar voice, calling out.

"Hello, Mortal," Madison said. "I hope you are comfortable."

"Where am I?" Sarah tried to mask her fear by using an angry tone.

"Don't try to act brave with me, chica," Madison replied. "You are terrified." She walked closer to her, but Sarah still couldn't see her. "I can hear your heartbeat. It plays a beautiful song. Lub-dub-lub-dub-lub-dub."

"It is okay to give into the fear, Sarah," another woman spoke. "We all been there."

"Who are you?" Sarah asked. She still couldn't see anyone faces.

"I'm Kendra," the woman answered.

Sarah felt a presence another presence in the room.

"You are pretty," a third woman spoke. She leaned in closer and kissed Sarah on the lip.

"What the fuck?" Sarah replied trying to spit the kiss off.

"Why are you so nice to people, Chloe?" Madison asked.

"I'm not nice to everybody, Madison," Chloe replied. "Just the ones that hurt you."

"You redheaded bitch!" Madison snapped back.

"You are jealous because I can kick your ass," Chloe said.

"Would you two ladies play nice?" a fourth woman came into the room. "Kendra, could you provide a little light for our guest?"

"Yes, Mistress." Kendra created a bright orb of light around her hand. Sarah saw the faces of the four women that held her captive.

"I know you have a million questions, detective," the Mistress said

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"I know you have a million questions, detective," the Mistress said. "But, I'm only going to answer one. Why are you here? One doesn't have to be a mind reader to know that is one of your questions. The answer is that you are bait, my dear Sarah. That is why you are not dead. Don't worry, you will not be playing the role of a damsel in distress. I have way too much respect for you to play that role. Your role will have more," the Mistress laughed and exposed her fangs before she finished her sentence, "bite." The Mistress's eyes glowed a bright yellow as she glared at the young detective. "Embrace your destiny." The words echoed in Sarah's head as the Mistress's mouth opened. The ivory fangs came closer to the side of the warm neck of Sarah.

Sarah couldn't speak or move. She just blankly stared until the Mistress's fangs impaled the soft tender flesh. Sarah's mouth opened as she let out a breathless moan. The Mistress wrapped arms around the detective as both levitate several inches off the floor. Sarah's eyes rolled until only the whites were exposed. Sarah's hands broke free from the chains as her strength increased several folds. She collapsed from the Mistress's embrace, landing on all fours. Her eyes opened as she looked at the Mistress. Her mouth unsealed waiting to be filled. Her canines extended as they waited for her first taste of blood.

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