Chapter 30

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A year had passed, since the death of Lilith. The council made no attempts on Sambuca or the others. Their lives had changed and they would never return to normal. They all shared a curse, a bond that would always connect them. No matter how hard they tried to fight it.

The sound powered fresh snow crushed under feet as she walked the sidewalk. The young lady, dressed in all black and her face covered with a hood, approached a home several miles from busy streets and lights of the city. The trail of footprints in the snow was the only thing she left in her past. She saw the snow-covered Ash tree in the front yard as she got closer to the house. The black Mustang was in the driveway, repaired from the damage that Madison inflicted. She walked up the steps of the front porch and knocked on the door.

A bald tall black male answered the door. He was cleanly shaven expected for a trimmed mustache. A smile cracked his face as his visitor removed her hood.

"Hello, Kendra," Sambuca said. The two shared a long embraced and Kendra kissed him on the cheek.

"How are you doing Sambuca?" Kendra asked as she stomped her feet to knock the ice and snow off her boots.

"Surprisingly in a good mood," he replied as he took off her long black leather coat and hang it on the coat rack on the back of the door.

"I just came from seeing Madison," Kendra commented as she made her way to the couch and plopped down." She really enjoys your visits, Sambuca."

"I know Ciara think Madison is crazy," Sambuca said as he walked to the kitchen.

"That she is," Kendra called out.

"But we all deserve a sense of normalcy." Sambuca returned to the living room. He handed Kendra a mug of cold water with powder cocoa swirling in it. "I never care about the welfare of living victims in the past."

"Ciara told me about Gemma," Kendra said. "You are doing right with Madison. I think that only thing that keeps her going is the possibilities of you breaking into her hospital room, ripping off her gown and fucking the tease out of her mouth."

"That was precise," he said as he sat next to her. "But I don't think she couldn't handle that type of activity."

Kendra held the cup in her left hand. With her right hand, she twirled her fingers over the mug until the water and cocoa mixture blended. She held the cup with both hands until the mixture boiled, creating the perfect cup of hot chocolate.

Sambuca laughed. "I could never get tired watching you do that."

"My magic is not based on blood, it is based on knowledge." Kendra went into further details. "Knowledge was always my thing, even before being embraced."

"Are you still studying the books that you got from the library?" Sambuca asked.

"Yes," she answered as she took a long, slow sip of her hot chocolate. "It is taking me longer to read and understand, but I made a lot of progress."

"Did you find anything interesting?"

"Yeah," she said as she took another slip.

"Like what?"

Kendra looked into his big brown eyes and said these six words. "I know who your father is."


"Time for your medicine," a nurse said as she entered Madison's room.

Madison jumped from her bed and ran to the nurse. She took the small paper cup of pills and placed the pills in her mouth. The nurse gave Madison a cup of water. Madison chased down the pills and stuck out her tongue to show the nurse that she was a good girl.

"I see you had a visitor today."

"Kendra," Madison said. "She is an old friend."

"You are getting popular," the nurse commented. "Last week that handsome man came by again, what was his name?"

"Sambuca," Madison informed the nurse. "He is my boyfriend," she said with the youthful excitement of a teenager. "Have Lilith come?"

"No Madison," the nurse said. "She hadn't come."

Madison folded her arms across her chest. "She will come and get me out of this hell."

"Be strong, Madison," the nurse said. "I'll check on your tomorrow." The nurse walked out the door and closed it behind her. Madison fell onto her bed and folded her arms over her heart and closed her eyes.

Night had fallen over the city again as a loud tapping sound attacked the window of Madison's room. She got up from her bed and ran to the window. Madison's room was on the fourth floor of the hospital and no human had arms that long. So, Madison knew it was only one person.

"Mistress," Madison yelled as shared out the window. She saw a slender built woman floating. "Mistress?" Madison questioned.

The woman smiled showing her fangs as a forked tongue parted her lips. "Please allow me to introduce myself."


Her caramel body arched as her lover's fingers entered her warm, wet opening. The two have been in bed for days, sharing their love for each other. Their lips clapped as they touched, kissed and traced inch over each other bodies. Their fingers soaked with the love as their tongues covered with their lust and desire. Following a series of long passionate kisses, they didn't want this to end. Their love grew more than they each expected, but both had craved. They felt the rush of pleasure building up in their bodies. Her head pressed between her lover's creamy thighs as her nose and tongue buried inside.

Ciara let out a moan as she felt every inch of Sarah's tongue. She sat up and carefully placed her pussy on Sarah's face. Sarah wrapped her hands around Ciara's thighs as she continued to feed on her lover.

Ciara's hands cupped her breasts as the orgasm continued to build. Ciara couldn't contain herself any longer as she released and felt the full desire that her lover gave. Her head flew back, her mouth fixed open and her eyes widened. She let out a scream pleasure and passion so loud that birds outside of the log cabin flew away in fear. Ciara collapsed on the bed and Sarah climbed on top and started to kiss and finger Ciara.

"No, no, no," Ciara pleaded. "Just because you tried to kill me a year ago, doesn't mean you can kill me today."

Sarah disengaged from the sweet torture that she was giving to Ciara. She laughed and delivered one soft kiss to her lover's lips. "I love you," she said.

"I love you, too," Ciara replied.

Sarah ran her fingers through Ciara's raven hair and laid a series of butterfly kisses on Ciara's face. Ciara was at peace, a peace that she never felt before but wanted for years. She didn't want this feeling end. She wanted it to last forever, but all this must pass.

As they rested in each other arms, Ciara's phone rang. She was going to let it go to voicemail, but something told her to pick it up. She saw the name on her caller ID and answered the phone.

"Hello, Sambuca," Ciara answered.

"I need you to come back," Sambuca said. "I need your help?"

A small hint of excitement escaped her voice. It has been two months since she saw her teacher and there was only one answered that Ciara could give. "Anything for you, Dad."

The End

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