Chapter 10

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"Remember," Sambuca reminded Ciara as the gang rushed towards them. "They aren't drones. They are charmed. So, that means--."

"I know," Ciara interrupted as she focused on the group, "no killing blah, blah, blah."

Madison can't Embrace, only Masters and Mistresses had that right, but when she was filled with blood lust and a whole new world of powers were open to her. She had the power to charm and control individuals, her victims would follow her words as they would follow the words of God. A charmed people were stronger than the average human and have no fear, but they were still human, they were still innocent, so Sambuca and Ciara would not kill them.

The two slayers stood their ground as the gang charged at them, which was stupid plan. Sambuca and Ciara turned their shoulders and bended their knees and used their attackers' momentum to send them flying over the bar and crashing into the racks. Then they performed a jumping back kick into the heads of the other attackers. They quickly took out four, but the odds weren't in their favor. With the numbers against them and no weapons, they could be easily overpower. The pair focused on weak points, like the temple, nose and throat, but had to pull their strikes to avoid killing the bikers. They punched and kicked and flipped the gang all over the bar, but the charmed attackers had a higher threshold of pain than normal human and kept on getting back up for more punishment.

"Not working, Sambuca," Ciara yelled as she smashed her elbow into the nose of a poor sap. She kneed another one in the groin and knee bashed him repeatedly in the face, then shoved him into another group of attackers.

"Watch your control," Sambuca ordered as he delivered a right jab to one of his attackers and sidekick another in the face, breaking its nose.

"We can't keep this up all night." She flipped one over her shoulder, held on tight to his wrist and twisted his arms until she heard it pop.

"Ciara," Sambuca warned as he heard the popping of the guy arms several feet away.

"It slipped," she answered as she back kicked another in the stomach. "We still got to get the bitch."

"One battle at a time," Sambuca barked as he smashed two bikers' heads together. "We have to stay focus on this fight or we can easily be over--."

Before Sambuca finished his last sentence, a strong blow struck Ciara on the back on her head. A lucky break, but not for her. She lost her balance and fell forward. Five of the attackers ganged up on her and delivered and array of kicks and punches. She covered her head and bended in her knees trying to cover the vital sections of her body. She heard the tumbling of blows on her head, back, legs and arms. They grabbed her, trying to pry her legs apart. They continued their bombardment on the raven head badass, but she wasn't feeling powerful. She tried to kick, but couldn't get her legs free. They grabbed hold of her arms as she desperately tried to fight them off, but was failing. Couple of hard blows to her stomach took the air out of her. Several blows to the face had her head ringing. Their hands clawed at her body, pulling and slightly ripping her tank top.

Sambuca flew into a rage that hadn't been witnessed in over twenty years. His friend was in danger and these bastards were about to pay. His eyes turned from brown to fire red. His canines grew as his roared like a bear protecting its cub. With one hand, he tossed one of his attacker twenty feet across the room slamming into the wall. He grabbed one by the neck and body slammed the biker through the table. The biker's body didn't rest until he crashed on the beer stained hardwood floor. He pulled one off Ciara, and tossed him crashing into the bar. His claws buried into the shoulders of the one that was holding Ciara's legs. He hoisted up the three hundred pound biker. He showed no mercy as he smashed the biker down, only to meet Sambuca's knee. The sound of the broken back played like music to Sambuca's ears. He was no longer holding back. He kicked and punched with full force, sending Ciara's attackers flying across the room. Broken tables and broken bodies were the only things remain. The bikers were no longer effected by Madison's charm and collapsed.

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