Chapter 8

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She loved kissing. It was a form of affection that was highly underrated. She loved the light butterfly kisses down her stomach. The way her lover's tongue left settle wet trails on her body. She let out several soft moans as her hands gripped the auburn hair of her partner. A pleasure came over her as she felt the wet tongue burying inside of her. Her legs wrapped tightly around her companion's neck as she felt strong urges rushing through her body. She felt warms, her eyes widen, her face flushed as she threw her head back on the pillow. The lust powered her as her nails ripped through the sheets on the bed. She needed to feed. Her green eyes lighten as her fangs grew. Her partner wasn't prepare what was going to happen next, but it happen before.

Her long red hair hid her face and fangs as she pulled up her guest. She kissed the neck of her prey and uttered these words. "Don't move." Her fangs buried into Sally's neck. As Chloe sucked the needed blood she craved. Sally enjoyed the orgasmic rush that follow the bite.

Sally escaped death again as Chloe fed off the housewife. Sally supposed to die that night at the club, but Chloe made a mistake. A mistake that some young people made in their life. She felt in love with the first people with slept with. The Mistress would be furious if she found out the Sally was still alive.

Chloe fangs retracted as she sucked and licked the wound clean. With careful place bites, vampires could heal the wounds of their victims, leaving no evidence. Her tongue licked her lips, freeing them of Sally's blood.

Sally caught her breath as the euphoric feeling finally subdued. "I never felt anything like this." She still panting and her heart was pounding in her chest. She laid down on the bed. Her head was spinning and a huge smile came to her face followed by a light, soft giggle.

Their legs intertwined. Rubbing, gliding over each other, felling the smoothness of their skin. Chloe's finger traced over Sally's nipple. Another giggle slipped out, as her nipples were sensitive to the touch. Chloe planted several soft kisses on her lover's body. Sally let out couple of deep breathes as tingling feelings return.

"Oh dear God!" Sally's hands pushed Chloe to the side. "I can't take another round. I'm not nineteen."

Chloe looked down, her hair concealed most of her face. "I don't pleasure you anymore?"

Sally's laugh echoed throughout the hotel room. "Are you serious?" She laughed again. "Look at me."

Chloe lifted her head and place her hair behind her ears. Her green eyes shined as the lights in the room exposed the freckles the covered most of her body and face.

"My husband," Sally explained, "and every boyfriend I had since the age of sixteen owe me an apology. I don't know what witchcraft you are doing to me, but it is fucking working. I can't get you out of my head, but I like you in there." She leaned in and kissed Chloe's soft lips.

Chloe's feelings for Sally were strong, but wrong at the same time. This shouldn't have happen. Sally was supposed to be dead. She should have kill Sally in the car outside of the club. She shouldn't defy the Mistress. This could mean the death of Sally and herself. She should just kill her and leave, but she didn't. She did something else that would piss off the Mistress.

"Sally." Chloe paused to collect her thoughts before she continued. "I need to tell you something, I need to tell you the truth."


Madison was different. She saw her victims as what they were, victims. They weren't lovers, friends or long lost soulmates. They were livestock, either to be used or slaughter. Madison felt that she was a highly evolved hunter and humans were her play things.

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