Chapter 9

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"I think I'm going to be sick." Kendra's arms folded around her stomach after she walked through the portal.

"The experience of transporting from one point to another without traversing physical space can be unsettling," Lilith explained, "even for purebreds."

The high rock ceilings and hand craved stones of the wall shown centuries a highly trained craftsmen ship. Unknown works of Leonardo, Raphael, Michelangelo and Titian hung on the wall, but they was twisted and dark versions of their masterpieces, like the Last Supper depicting the Vampire's council instead of Jesus Christ and his disciples. The smell of sulfur and death roamed through the hallways. Their heels clicked with each step as they walked across the hard marble floors.

Kendra's eyes widened as she saw the beauty of her surroundings. A cold chill ran down her spine as goosebumps covered arms. She stepped closer to Mistress, fearing she might get lost in awe of the place. A beautiful dark hair lady wearing a white dress several centuries behind the times stared at the two. She smiled and glided in their direction.

"Welcome back, Mistress Lilith," the lady said. Her voice was deep, but still has a feminine flair. She had a slim built, not as much assets as Lilith, but still a beautiful woman. Her nails were over inch long and her skin was as white as the ivory charms she wore around her neck.

"Camilla," Lilith answered back.

Camilla's eyes glared was the Optio. "Some might not be kind that you brought a non-purebred to the castle." She smiled showing her fangs. "She looks charming."

Kendra stayed close to Lilith, she didn't want any trouble.

Camilla sniggered, it sent a tingling through Kendra's body. "Don't worry, my dear. If I wanted to kill you, you will be dead already."

Lilith's hands still gripping the Travel stone as she raised her fist in Camilla's face. "Don't tease her, she is not here for that."

"I want to do more than tease her." Camilla's forked tongue slithered out of her mouth, tasting the aroma that Kendra's body was giving off.

"Put it away," Lilith said, "before I rip it off."

The tongue skidded back in her mouth. "You are no fun, Lilith. I guess almost dying at the hands of Sambuca, changed you."

Lilith changed the subject. "Is the council ready?"

"Of course," Camilla said. "Just go to the chamber." She focused back on Kendra. "Better stay close to your Mistress, you don't want to get lost. But don't worry, I would be more than happy to track you down." Her laugh parroted in halls as she walked away for the couple.

"She scares me." Kendra said.

"Don't worry," Lilith explained. "Her bite is worse than her bark." She took hold of Kendra's hand. Their walk continued through the cold corridors of the castle. Some purebreds bowed to Lilith as she walked past. When they arrived at the chamber, there were two large creatures flanking the door. They stood well over six feet. They had a muscular stature. Their skin was green and covered with warts. They were hairless and had pointed ears. They had no lips, so the razor sharp teeth were always on display to the world to see. Their large yellow eyes and their tiny black pupils followed Kendra every movement.

Kendra leaned towards her Mistress and whispered. "What are they?" Her voice shuddered as she asked.

Lilith's grip tighten on Kendra's hand, in an attempt to calm her young Optio. "They are called Ratu. They served as guards and assassins to the council. They are fearless warriors and highly trained killers."

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