Chapter 11

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Ciara sat up on the couch in Sambuca's house. Her body was still sore from the beating the night before. Sambuca was sitting on the coffee table across from her. He handed her a ceramic mug with a strange liquid in side. She brought the cup close to her nose and took a sniffed.

"It smells like ass," Ciara proclaimed.

"It increase the healing process," Sambuca said. "It will take away you hangover as well."

She took another sniffed. "Oh dear God!" Her lips curled up. "I rather have the headache and the pain than to drink this piss."

"Trust me," he said with a wide smile. "You will feel better."

Ciara trusted her teacher and drank the down the crazy home remedy that he made. It burned has it went down her throat. She gagged and cough, but we some able to keep the drink down. The texture was thick, creamy and slightly sticky. There was no earthly words to describe the taste, but Ciara did try her best.

"It taste like a dead man's just jizzed in my mouth," she conjured up.

"I don't even want to know," Sambuca replied.

"Don't worry," she assured. "I'm not banging the dead. I got to have some standards." She put down the mug and to her surprise headache was gone. "You had the perfect hangover cure and didn't tell me." She pointed to the mug. "This is the type of shit you should be teaching me."

"The rest of your body should heal later tonight," he said. "You did good tonight."

One eyebrow shot up. "Really?" She didn't expect a compliment. "I was beat down in the bar and tossed off a ten story building."

"But you learn something last night." Sambuca placed his hands on her knees and stared into her bright blue eyes. "What did you learn about Madison?"

Ciara closed her eyes and tried to focus on the fight. She was remembering every blow. She pictured Madison's style and technique. "She relies on her strength and petty magic." Her eyes opened back up. "She isn't a trained fighter. She might get a lucky shot from time to time, but she is no match for me."

Sambuca nodded his head. "Good, what else?"

"When we first fought," she remembered, "her new powers caught me off guard and she was able to beat me."

"Yes, continue."

"But a focused mind can neutralize her magic."

"Next time you fight her," he explained. "She was try to keep your distracted and off balance."

"She can try," Ciara sniggered. She felt a warm feeling in her body as home remedy was doing it trick. The pain in her stomach and back dulled. "That is some voodoo shit, Sambuca."

"It taste like the wrath of God," Sambuca joked, "but it gets the job done." He took the mug, got up from the table and walked towards the kitchen. Ciara stared at him as he washed out the mug and place it in the sink. Her mind went back to last night. She couldn't get the image out of her head. She had to know.

"What happen out there?" Ciara asked.

Sambuca stood motionless as Ciara asked the question. "What are you talking about?" He knew what she was asking, but he didn't want to tell her.

She slowly stood up from the couch. Her body was healing, but it was still a little sore. "You know damn well what I'm talking about." She walked over to him. "You went fucking beast mode on those guys. You broke that dude's back! Like it was nothing. You could have kill him!"

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