Chapter 4

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There was a century old plantation that hadn't a soul living there for decades. It was about twenty miles outside city limits. It sat on thirty acres of beautiful landscape. The white house stood out against the lush green tresses and bushes that surrounded the home. One could imagine slave owners sitting on the wrap around porch drinking lemonade as they looked over their crops. Those owners were long gone. The home was on the market for several years, until a woman paid two million in cash for the estate. The woman appeared to be in her thirties, but she was much older. She had long dark hair and striking clear blue eyes. Her skin was flawless and had a slight olive hue. Her smile would light up a room. Her face was elegant and poise. Her voice had an Eastern European accent, which made her more exotic. She was tall, standing nearing five foot ten, and her body had a shape that most men craved. Her legs were long and tone, her breasts were heaving and full. She was charming as she was beautiful, which made her deadly. Her name was Lilith, she was the Mistress of the Rosier clan.

She was sitting in dining room of her newly purchased home. She was drinking virgin blood from a golden chalice. Her victim was a twelve year old girl. Lilith had been draining her for days. The girl was weak and crying, but Lilith wasn't going to let her die. Lilith was going to milk her as long as her little body could take it. The house interior had a medieval décor. The walls were covered with several original paintings from the Renaissance era. The furniture was also from the same period. Lilith's favorite was the large handcrafted chair where she always sat when she dines. The most secretive part of the house was the basement. The basement was where Lilith rest. The entrance of the basement was protected by a heavy door that only Lilith had the strength to open.

Madison entered the room. She smiled at the little girl shaking in the corner. Madison walked up to Lilith and kneeled in front of her.

"Mistress, the message had been delivered."

"Did you kill her?"

"No, my Mistress." Madison paused and a smiled appeared on her face. "I wanted to."

"I know you did." The Mistress held out her hand and Madison kissed it. "You show great restraint. I chose my Optio well." An Optio was a lieutenant of the clan. Each clan was allowed to embrace three Optios. Outside of the Mistress, they were the strongest members. Unlike the drones, the Optios had powers. They had super strength, heightened senses and accelerated healing and speed. They were opened to magical powers like telekinetic and abilities to control animals and humans. Drones were the weakest. They could be easily killed. The Mistress considered the drone to be disposable. She didn't employ any human agents at this time. Her purpose was to take out Sambuca, so she needed to focus her power and energy in selecting her Optios. Madison was the first to be embraced. She was the strongest and was the more powerful than the others. She was also Lilith's favorite.

Chloe walked into the room. Her white dress was covered in the blood of her parents and little brother. Her long beautiful red hair flowed slightly behind her as she approached her mistress. She kneed at Lilith's feet and kissed her mistress's hand. Lilith caressed Chloe's chin and slowly lift her head. Her lips and mouth were covered in blood. Her cheeks were red and full of life.

"You feast well my dear," Lilith said.

"My family is at peace, my Mistress," Chloe said as she licked the blood from her lips. "The feeling is satisfying."

"Too bad my parents were divorced and I was an only child," Madison added. "I'm still hungry."

"You can feed off the child," Lilith told Madison.

Madison walked up to the little girl and bared her fangs. The girl was too weak to resist and accepted her faith. Madison tilted the girl head back to the left and buried her fangs into the warms soft flesh of her victim. The girl let out a loud scream, then followed by a soft moan as Madison gently and slowly sucked the warm life fluid out of her. The girl moans sounded orgasmic as she slowly slip away.

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