Chapter 37

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This chapter is based off of "The French Mistake" episode from supernatural.
They all went back to the bunker the next day and Dean wouldn't let Becky leave their room even though the doctor said it would be good practicing walking with crutches.

Sam's POV
"Morning," Becky said walking in the library were Adeline and I were sitting drinking coffee. "Got any cases," she asks.
"Nope," Adeline says. "I guess the monsters decided to give us a brake," I look back at Adeline then back to Becky.
"Hey, I thought you were on room arrest," I say
She chuckles and says. "Shhh! Don't tell Dean."
"Don't tell Dean what," Dean says walking in the room rubbing his eyes.
Becky turns to face him and says: "Ok Dean I needed to get out of bed," she put one arm up in surrender.
"It's fine, you need the exercise,"
"Wha-" Becky says as her eyes widen.
"I'm just kidding, you look great honey," Dean says a cup of coffee.
Becky rolls her eyes and kisses Dean. "I'm going to take a shower,"
"Oh, ok, do you need help," Dean says grinning.
"No, I'll be fine, it's not my first time taking a shower in crutches,"
Then out of the blue a man with a deep void says: "CUT!"
I look at Dean and he says: "not again,"
I look at Adeline to make sure, she's actually Adeline and not some actress. "Where are we," I grin as she walks over to me. I look up at her and say: "we're in a alternate reality where there are no bad things and our life is a show.
"Why would anyone want to watch our life," she whispers to me. I just shrug and we start to walk of the set of the fake bunker.
"That was great guys," a man that looks exactly like Cas says walking up to us. I forget what his name was.
"Oh cas you're here!" Adeline says.
He laughs and says. "Ella, are you okay? It's me,
"Oh I know, I'm just staying in character," she says awkward grinning.
Misha looks at Dean and I and says: "Ate you guys staying in character too," Misha laughs.
"Oh, yeah, practice makes perfect," Dean says
"Ok. Come on honey, I want to take you out for lunch," Misha says grabbing Adeline's I mean Ella's hand. I know we are in a alternate reality but just now when Misha grabbed her hand I felt like I had just found out someone had cheated on me.
"Can Sam and Dean come," she asks, looking back at us.
"Yeah, sure, Jared and Jensen can come, anything's for you,"

The Winchester Brothers and Rubyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें