Chapter 5

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Sam's POV
"So when can she go home?" I ask the doctor at the front desk.
"Who?"the lady said looking at the computer then at me.
"Adeline Jones."
"Yeah according to the doctor she will be able to come home tonight, they just have to run some more test then she's all good to go."
"Who will be taking her home."
"I will." I made my way back to the room where Adeline was and I  found her sleeping. Dean comes in and we step out of the room.
"I think we should tell her. You know about what we do."
"Well if she runs off screaming don't blame me."
"Wow thanks. Real brotherly love here. I'm gonna tell her when I take her home."
"Oooh smart that way she can't run."
"I hate you."
"I know."
A few hours later the doctor come into the room and runs some test on Adeline. She was sitting up in the bed and you could see the wound on her leg. I forgot I shot her twice. It was bad. I can't believe I did that to her.
"You're ready to go. I'll go get the papers you just need to sign."
"So, how dose it feel to know that you can leave." Dean asks.
"Good, I'm excited to have real food and be able to sleep in my own bed." She says looking at both of us.
"Well we'll let you get dressed then I'll take you home."
"Ok thanks." She says as we walk to the door.
"I'll wait out side." I say.
When she comes out she's wearing ripped jeans and a oversized sweater. And I think she was wearing makeup. I didn't realize how beautiful she was, I guess I got used to seeing her in a hospital gown.
"Yeah I think I got everything."
When we made it back to her apartment she immediately when to the fridge and tossed her bag on the dining room table. I laughed.
"What I haven't eaten real food for the past week."she says with food in her mouth. She walks over and sits down on the sofa. I walk over and try so hard not to laugh.
"So..." she says after she swallows her food. "Do you know what attacked me last week?"
"Um about that... me and my brother we don't work for the FBI." I say turning by body towards her.
"Yeah I figured." She says looking at her food.
"We are hunters. But we hunt for demons and goblins and vampires."
"Isn't that dangerous?"
"Yeah, but we're saving good people."
She placed her food on the coffee table.
"Sam, over these last few days..." before she could finish I lean and we kiss. When we pull away Adeline smiles and then looks down.
"Adeline... will you go on a date with me? Dinner?"
"I'd love to."she says and her cheeks turn all rosy
"I'll pick you up at 8, tomorrow?"
"I'll call you." She gets up and walks me to the door. We turn towards each other and smile.
"Bye Sam. I'll see you tomorrow."
Before I leave I pull her in once again and before I can kiss her again she wraps her arms around me and asked
"Do you have to go?"
"Yeah, we haven't finished the case yet and Dean is gonna be pissed at me."
She does a little fake pouty face, and I laughed.
"I'll see you tomorrow."
I walk out the door and I know that if this works out I'm gonna be happy.
I made it to the motel and found Dean looking at some paperwork.
"Working on the case?" I ask
"Yeah, did you find anything?"
"Not exactly."
"Shit! There's nothing." He said throwing the papers on the table.
"What is that?"
"Photos, on the house."
"Where did you get them?"
"Wait look." I say picking up the photos. There was a figure in the picture definitely not human.
"I think we should go back to the house."

Dean's POV
We walk into the house and we look for spirits and any hoodoo shit.
"Dean I think I found something." Sam says as he shows me the spirit odometer.
"Dean watch out!" I turn around and see a woman in a white dress and dirt smeared all over her. Maybe that's blood actually. She swings my way and Sam shoots her with rock salt bullets. She disappeared.
"Definitely a spirit." We say as we look at each other.
"Come on we need to scope out this place some more." I say
"No I think we need to go to the motel find out what we're working with." Sam says. "Better safe than sorry, right?"
I roll my eyes and we walk back to the motel.

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