Chapter 30

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Dean's POV
We get in our FBI clothes and some how Sam gets in touch with one of the friends of one of the victims. We are going to meet him at a diner right now.
The dinner is not particularly crowded and the workers are in uniform.
"Hi, we are meeting a John Barrel here, party of 4," Addie says.
"Yeah, table 5, follow me," the waitress says. When the waitress walks us to our table, John stands up and shakes our hands.
"Thank you for meeting with us today," Sam says.
"No problem," John says. We sit down and start questioning him.
"So, before Mathew killed him self, did he seem out of sorts," Addie asks.
"What do you mean," he asks.
Addie looks at Sam and I. "Well you would say Mathew was a nice person, right?" She says.
"I would says so,"
"Well was he, mean?" She says trying to find the right words.
"He would get aggressive at times, which is unusual," he says he mood dropping. "Oh, and um... this might seem, not natural. But when ever he would get... aggressive the room would cool down," Sam and I look at each other.
"Ok, thank you John, I think that all we need to know," we stand up and get ready to leave.
"I'm going o head to the bathroom, I'll meet you guys at the car," Addie says.
Adeline's POV
When I walk out of the bathroom a man in a flannel and kakis I feel like I recognize him but I walk past the woman and out to the car. "Ready," Sam says.
"Yeah," I get in the car and Dean turns on the radio, we are about to turn onto the road, out of the parking lot when I yell: "Wait!" Dean slams on the brake and the two brothers turn to face me. Sam looks worried and Dean seems mad. I ignore the reactions I got and I run out of the car towards the diner. When I open the door the bell jingles and I walk over to the man I saw earlier and I walk over to the booth he was sitting and eating in.
"Can I do anything for you," he says obviously annoyed. When he looks up from his plate I knew I wasn't delusional.
Sam's POV
When Adeline runs out of the car in the direction of the diner I run out after her and I see her sitting in a both with a random man. When she hears the  bell ring on the door she turns around and looks at me. I walk over to her and I sit down next to her.
"Greg this is Sam, my boyfriend," she looks at me. "Sam this is Greg," she squeezes my hand under the table. "Greg Luis,"

The Winchester Brothers and RubyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora