Chapter 4

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Dean's POV
I wake up in the middle of nowhere. In the middle of the forest by the looks of it. I get up and look around. And the first thing I see is Sammy leaning against a maple tree with a look of disappointment on his face. I wobble my way over to him and he looks up and his eyes have red circles under them. He's been crying.
"Hey Sammy are you ok?" I say squatting down.
"Don't you Sammy me! I know who you are. Give me my brother back!" He says pointing the colt at me.
"What? Sam I'm right here."
"No your not"
"SAM!! It's me. Your brother,"
"No. You're a demon,"
I look at him. Oh. So that's what's up.
"Look. Sammy, I'm not a demon,"
Sam doesn't look convinced.
"Dean, you tried to kiss Adeline,"
"Come on you know I like Becky. You really think I would kiss Adeline?"
"Do we have any holy water?" I asked thinking to myself duh!
"Maybe...umm" Sam says shuffling through his bag.
"Nice purse."
"Jerk. Here I found some."
"Lay it on me bro." I say throwing my arms up in the sky. The water splashes is me and damn it's cold.
"See I told you. I'm not a demon."
"Wait did you say that you like Becky!"
Sam smirks. "Jerk."

Becky's POV
I called or at least tried to around ten times but each time it went straight to voicemail. I can't believe I said no. Where is he anyway?
I walk down the street towards the park. I walk down the wooded pathway, when suddenly I hear someone who sounds suspiciously like Dean say, "You know I like Becky,"
I round the corner and see Sam and Dean, sitting by a tree.
"Who likes me?" I ask, even though I already know the answer. As I look at Dean his cheeks turn red and Sam smirks.
"I'm gonna head out, you two love birds can... do what you do." Sam says backing up into a tree and quickly turning around.
"So..." I say taking some steps toward Dean.
"Um... I'm just gonna go for it... Would you like to go hunting with me? Ahem, I mean come hunting with me."
"Are you asking me on a date?"
"No I'm asking you to come hunting with me."
"I think your asking me on a date."
"Whatever, come on we should probably head back it's getting late."
Dean kept looking at me as we walked back. And, he walked into a tree.
"We're in the woods, you might wanna watch where you're going." I say laughing. We talked the whole way back. Mostly talking about hunting and our childhood. The lights from the trees started to fade.
And we didn't make it out of the forest until around 8 o'clock.
"Can I walk you back to your apartment?"
"Sure. Thanks."
We made it back to the apartment and walked up the stairs. I reached for my keys when he placed his hand up against the wall.
"You know before I go I think you should properly ask me out, just saying." I say turning around.
He leaned in and kissed, just laid one on me, of course I kissed back.
"Becky Anderson, will you go on a date with me?" He asked me with his hands still around my hips.
"I'd love to Dean Winchester." I kiss him one last time and I open my door and head to bed.

The Winchester Brothers and RubyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum