Chapter 21

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One year later
Adeline's POV
Over this past year Dean has secretly taught me a few thing about hunting mostly what kills what and how to shoot a gun. Sam and Dean have been really busy this past year but Dean has grown to be like my annoying older brother and Sam and I have gotten closer. Every now and then Sam and Dean will let me come on the hunting trips with them but they make me stay back to research most of the time since I don't know anything about hunting and thus stuff is very dangerous both things Sam said. I have gotten used to the bickering of the two brothers but I still can get over the fact that Cas is always showing up at the weirdest moments.

I wake one morning in the room that Sam and I now share wrapped in his arms I fly out of the bed rolling out of Sams grip on me and I land on the floor.
"Geez Cas! You can't keep doing that," I say rubbing my eyes.
"Adeline! Are you ok," Sam asks chucking under his breath.
"Yeah I'm fine," I get up and look at my phone, it's 10 am.
"What's up Cas?" Sam says sitting up in the bed.
"Breakfast is ready, if you want it," he says
"Great thanks," Sam says
"You know a normal person would knock on the door,"
Cas turns around in the doorway and squints at me. "I'm not human," he says. I roll my eyes and we walk out to the library. In the distance we hear Eye Of the Tiger playing on the radio. Sam grins, happy to hear his brother singing but then he rolls his eyes because Dean can't sing, especially at 10 am with a groggy voice.
"Morning, sleepy heads," Dean says looking up from his computer.
"Why are you so happy?" I ask almost walking into the table.
"You ok?" Cas asks
I hear Dean chuckle as I pick myself up. "Yeah," I say.
I look at the three men standing in front of me and I smile from ear to ear.
"Anyhow," Dean says braking the silence. "I found us a case, vampires in Tulsa," he says as he brings the opened computer to Sam to show him.
I read over Sam's shoulder. "Throats ripped out," I was quoting the article. I step away from the boys hunched over looking at the computer. "I'm coming," I say crossing, this gets the boys attention. "And I'm going to kill some vamps," I say
"," Dean says.
"Why not, you have been teaching me, come on Dean..." but Sam cut me off.
"You what!" Sam says looking at Dean obviously not happy.
"I have sorta been, training Addie to hunt. She's stubborn man!" Dean started calling me 'Addie' only a few months ago.
Sam looks at me then back at Dean the back at me.  I give him the puppy eyes that I learned for him.
"Fine," none of us noticed that Cas disappeared.
"Really!" Dean and I say at the same time. I get a rush of joy and I run over to Sam and Dean to hug them. "Let's go," I say walking in the direction of the garage where Dean's 'Baby' was. I was so excited that I hadn't realized I was still in sweatpants and one of Sam's old shirts.
I feel and warm hand pulling back. "You might want to get dressed," Sam says whispering.
I awkwardly chuckle and I run to our room. I throw on the first clothes that I find and I meet Sam and Dean in the garage. I hop in the back seat of the Impala and we drive off to the crime scene.

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