Chapter 3

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Sam's POV
She was sleeping on the sofa when I saw a girl that I recognized. No it can't be. She's dead.
She burst into the room with a knife. Before I knew it I saw Adeline dead.
"SAM! Are you ok my man?" Dean asked
"We have to go! Before someone very important dies." I say as Dean pulls me up from on the motel floor.
"Come on!" I yell at Dean.
"Dude chill! Who is this chick anyway!"
"Adeline. I saw her. In one of my visions."
"Dude. You really like her. Come on we're here." 
I kicked down the door and saw Adeline being held up by a woman with a short blonde hair cut. Adelines face was pale you could tell she was losing air. She turned around suddenly and when she looked at us she had black eyes. It all happened so suddenly I aimed for the demon but I missed. Before the demon left she turned back and looked at me. Meg. Adeline fell to the ground and there was a wound in her leg. We rushed her to the hospital and they immediately took her into surgery. We were waiting for what seemed like hours to see her.

Adeline's POV
All I remember is opening the door and seeing black eyes then falling to the ground and seeing Sam and his brother. They're definitely not FBI.

I wake up with excruciating pain in my stomach, and seeing a doctor staring at papers on a clipboard and fiddling a pen in his fingers.
"Good afternoon" the doctor says. "So you were shot. Am I right? Do you know who?"
I shake my head no and tell him all that I remember.
"There are some folks waiting for you, should I send them in?"
"Um yeah, thank you." The doctor leaves and in come Sam and his brother.
"Oh thank god you okay!" Sam says.
"Hi Sam." He looks at me relived.
"Hi Adeline."
"Well I guess I'll go get some coffee." Dean says backing up out of the room.
"I'm so sorry Adeline, if I just got there sooner you probably wouldn't be here." Sam says looking at me all sincere siting at the chair next to the bed.
"Hey look at my I'm alive right?" I say grabbing his hand. "I'm okay."
"Yeah, listen you should probably get some sleep. You look tired."
"Ok." I say halfway to sleep. I wake up hours later and I see Sam sleeping on the chair in my room. That's probably really uncomfortable. Dean walks in with two cups of coffee and walks over to the small table and puts it down. The other one is his I guess. 
"It sucks that you got shot."
"Yeah. I know. But it wasn't his fault." I say looking at the hospital food.
"You know you don't look so bad considering."
"Um thanks."
Dean started to lean in and our lips were inches away when I started to sink into the pillow. He placed his hands on the pillow.
"No." I said.
Sam was still sleeping.
"Get off me!"
Sam woke up. 
"You ass!" Sam yells. Sam jumped out of his chair and got dean to move. Then he punched him.
"Hey stop fighting!" I yell.
"I think you should go Dean."

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