Chapter 29

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Sam's POV
When I turn around to wake Adeline to tell her that we are at the motel I turn to see her pale and sweating. I quickly get out of the parked car and I rush in the back seat to make sure she is ok.
"Adeline," I say calmly but when she doesn't respond I start to panic. "Dean," I look up and I find him shuffling through the trunk getting some things together.
"Dean!" I yell.
"What," he asks not looking at me.
I pick up Adeline's things and hold them out to Dean. "What am I supposed to do with this?" He ask closing the trunk.
"Just hold it, Adeline is sweating, pale and she won't wake up," I say trying to keep myself calm. I reach in the car grabbing Adeline and caring her in my arms noticing how light she is, lighter that usual.
When Dean sees Adeline and looks worried. "Let's go get a room," he finally says.  We walk to the front desk and ask for a room, the motel is nicer than usual once we got to the room it was a mess. There were two beds and a coffee table. Dean turn on the light and I carefully place Adeline down in one of the beds. When I turn around I get splashed in the face with cold water. "What was that for!" I shout at Dean.
He start laughing and says: "sorry that was meant for Adeline,"
I roll my eye as he turns to get another glass. Just as the Dean pours the water on her she jerks up. When she notices that he face is wet pushes Dean back in the other bed. When I laugh she glares at me and I immediately stop.
"Why am I wet," she says annoyed.
"You weren't waking up, you were pale an d sweating," I say.
"Oh," she looks down then back up at Dan and I. "Well if this helps it's not the first time it's happened.
Dean's POV
Addie explains what she meant by 'its not the first time it's happened.' And I try to play attention but my mind wanders to Becky. Why would she run away? And why was she yelling at me to stop? I know what hell can do to you but I can't help her if I can't be with her. When Addie finishes her story I get     a beer for Sam and I.
"Can I have one?" Adeline ask getting out of the bed and walking over to the table where Sam and I were.
"How old do you think you are?" I say looking at her like I'm her parent.
"I'm 19 but that's close enough to 21, and I think I deserve one," she say as she walks over to the mini fridge and grabs one for herself.
"How are you feeling?" Sam asks.
"Better," she says sitting down at the foot of the bed and grabbing and grabbing her computer.
Adeline's POV
He has to be alive, right. I open my computer and look up Greg Luis. Just as I'm about to click on a website Sam says: "what are you looking at?"
I look up but before I say anything a just stare at him. "Um... Greg Luis," as soon as I say it I regret it. He's only 2 years older than me.
"Ooh," Dean says. He's in a very chirpy mood considering Becky is gone.
Sam looks back at Dean and gives him a bitch face.
I look through the websites surrounding Greg Luis and I loose hope when I realize he probably doesn't want to be found so I close my computer and I get up.
"Where are you going," Dean asks.
"I'm taking a shower," I say my hand on the door nob.
Sam's POV
When Dean hears the water running he nudges my and says: "what's with you, are you jealous of Greg,"
"No, it's just, we don't know who this guy is, he could be dangerous," I say sipping the beer.
"Oh my god," Dean says looking up from the computer.
"What," I say leaning back is the chair.
Dean lowers his voice and holds back his laughter. "You guys haven't," he pauses and leans closer to me. "Done it,"
"No comment,"
Dean leans back and starts laughing like there's no tomorrow.
We are silent until Adeline come out wrapped in a towel. "What's so funny," she says noticing Dean face.

The Winchester Brothers and RubyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora