«Chapter 34»

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«Chapter 34»

«Abigail's POV»

It's better to cry in the rain. The dark scenery will hide your blotchy face. The rain will blend in with your tears and the sound of it coming down will muffle your sobbing.

I try to cry while it rains. It makes it all that more depressing and I get over it easier. The sunlight makes me despise my life more than I had already at the moment.

I was the type of girl to take off my necklace before I went to sleep because I was afraid I might break it in my dreams. When I made my bed, I was too lazy to do the entire job so I half-assed it and pulled the sheets back. I liked a lot of sugar in my coffee and I wanted to live in London because of the cloudy weather.

I didn't like to talk about my parents since they didn't appear in my life that much. They always ran away with each other leaving Kyle and I to stay with our grandma. They would come back drunk to pick us up and Grandma would keep us telling them they didn't deserve us. After Mom's caretaker told her off, they'd storm out of the house and go have drunk sex in an alleyway.

When I met Jake, I forgot about them. He seemed to have a good enough life to share with me. Every week, he'd invite Kyle and I to dinner and we'd always have tacos. I wouldn't eat since it wasn't up for my appetite so Jake would fix me a ham sandwich.

After we would eat dinner, Kyle would head home since he needed to hibernate for the next summer day, but as I said before, I was a night owl. Jake and I would stay up most of the night to play Grand Theft Auto or Call of Duty. Jean wouldn't mind at all since he knew I'd keep Jake in check, but that wasn't the case.

I always thought that's what love was. I thought it was liking the same things and laughing with each other. In some cases, that was true love, but I found out the truth when I met Daryl.

Now, I know what love means. It's when you put someone's needs and wants before yours. That's what Daryl did for me everyday since I saved him. Jake could never give me that. He just used me for his stress reliever and I wished I would've figured that our sooner.

Daryl actually cared. It was all he had room for. He wasn't the monster he turned into when he gets mad or when he kills walkers. He was gentle, but he didn't want to show it. He may have been some hardcore badass before I met him, but his group changed him. I don't know what his past was like, but it doesn't matter now. All that matters is that he continues to care.

There is rarely anyone who cares anymore. The bastards that beat me aren't one of the rare ones. I only hoped Daryl killed every single one in his vengeance for me. I knew Joe was one of them since he died almost instantly after he shot me.

Yes, the death was painful and slow. My body ached the whole time. I tried to focus on Daryl's worried face to keep me from wanting to die. I wanted to be there for him, to keep him alive, but I couldn't. That's why I asked him to not to follow me. I wanted Mika to have someone who knew how important she was. I wanted them all safe. Rick, Michonne, Carl, Glenn, Maggie, and even the Woodburys. Well, what was left of them.

I'm upset that I never got to tell Mika goodbye or anyone for that matter. I didn't even tell Daryl. I didn't like to say goodbye because if I did, I knew for sure that I wouldn't see them again. Goodbye was just a twisted way of saying that I'll always think of your face when you disappear.

Daryl wanted me to stay so badly. I only hope he kept his promise about not leaving. I wondered what he was doing. Was he searching until he reached the ends of the earth to find the group? I know he will keep his promise. I know he will.

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