«Chapter 8»

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«Chapter 8»

«Daryl's POV»

Abigail stayed silent and kept walking without looking at me. I wasn't going to apologize since it's not in my nature.

I heard a rustle and we both crouched with our weapons in hand. Abigail stared at the Walkers that were coming at us. I shot a female that was slowly shuffling towards me. I looked at Abigail and saw that her face looked worried and frightened. She wasn't fighting the Walker that was coming right at her.

I reloaded my crossbow and put the walking death down. "What the hell is wrong with you? Did you go in some shock or something?" I shouted at her. Tears were streaming down her face as she crawled closer to the corpse.

Her shoulders were shaking as she cried. "C'mon," I said as I grabbed her around her waist with one arm. I hauled her up and tried to drag her away from the body. Abigail started to kick and scream," No! No! Put me down you bastard!"

I struggled to keep her from kicking me or making blood spill. "Shutup! You're calling for trouble!" I said sternly. "That's my brother! Let me go you sorry piece a shit," she cried.

The words tore away at me like a gnawing walker. I slowly let go of her and she raced to her rotting brother. I put my back against a nearby tree and slid down until I was sitting down. I stared at the sky while I thought of Merle.

I looked towards Abigail who had her pistol pointed at me. "Please do it," I whispered. She froze for a second and then put the gun back in its holster. Shining tears were still falling from her eyes. We both felt pain of loss. She's probably lost more than I have.

She started to check her dead brother's pockets. She pulled out a little charm that was linked to a chain and put it around her neck. She wiped some of the salty water from her face and stood up. Abigail began to walk back towards the prison leaving me still staring at the sky.

«Abigail's POV»

I dabbed one of my thinnest brushes in the blood I collected from a random cannibal. I examined the face of a broken girl with water falling from her eyes. She crouched over a pale, green body that used to be her brother. I continued to paint the picture on the day side of my wall.

I finished the scene and stood back with my brush in hand. I was so frustrated that I threw the old, plastic plate that contained the colors onto the wall and watched it ruin the picture.

"Abby, are you alright?" I heard a small voice say. Carl stood in my doorway with a worried look on his face and a tray of food in his hands. "Yeah, I just found out my brother turned today," I sniffled. "Did you have to kill him?" Carl asked as he put the food down on one of my tables. "No. Daryl did. I called him a piece of shit for it, too," I smiled at the last sentence. I sat down on the bed and placed the tray on my lap.

"Oh, if it makes you feel any better, I had to shoot my mom," Carl said. He sat down next to me and watched me eat. "Oh. Do you want the orange? I've never been to fond of them," I asked trying to change the subject. "Oh, yeah. Thanks," he smiled as he grabbed the fruit. He peeled off half of the orange and began eating as he looked around the room.

"I really like that one," Carl smiled as he pointed to the picture Daryl painted. "Me too," I playfully shoved him.

«Daryl's POV»

"We have to get rid of her. I don't think she's healthy for the group," Tyreece announced. I was in my normal spot, leaning against the wall in the corner. Glenn glanced at me every once in a while trying to see if I would confess. I decided to give in,"She held her knife at my head after I almost punched her."

Everyone's heads turned to me. They were in shock. "What took you so long to say so? When did this happen?" Sasha said with a worried voice. "We were looking for Michonne and then I snapped at her about the radio. She kept messing with it as if she was gonna catch that broadcast again. We fought back and forth. I threw a punch and she tackled me."

"She's been locking herself in her cell all day," Glenn said to Tyreece. "She might lash out on someone. Didn't you say that you found her brother as a Walker today?" Tyreece asked. I nodded my head and tried to get out of the endless pit of debate.

The council talked more as I daydreamed of other stuff. "Daryl, you're gonna have to send Abigail on her way," Sasha turned to me. "Wait, what?" I said starting to stand up straight.

"C'mon, Daryl, we couldn't trust her from the get-go. You said so yourself to Rick when she first got here," Glenn tried to enter the conversation. "Forget y'all! I thought we were supposed to be helpin' people! Now, you just sendin' them out there to die!"

"Daryl, it's what's best for the group who's been with us longer," Michone said. "Fine, but if she dies and she meant no harm, it's blood on y'all's hands," I said right before I stormed out of the room.

I marched through the corridors to find Abigail. When I got to her room, her curtain was torn down and her cell was almost empty. Abigail was shoving her belongings in her bag. "Where do you think you're going?" I asked as I put my hand against the door frame. "You should know and stop asking me that stupid question," she said angrily.

"Look, at least wait 'till morning. The Walkers will come out of nowhere," I tried to convince her. "I can handle myself and since you want me out of here so badly," she said as she grabbed more stuff to put in the bag. "I never said I did! Abigail, you make our jobs so much easier and we need you here, but they don't know that," I shouted.

She zipped up her bag and started to put her weapons on her body. "Move the fuck out of my way," she said when she shoved me to the side.

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