«Chapter 3»

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A/N: I'll be switching Point Of Views in this chapter so don't get confused!


«Chapter 3»

"Rick," Daryl screamed as he ran to them. He put an arm around the injured man and walked him along the hallway. "Bring him in here and lie him down on the bed," I said pointing to the nearest cell.

They didn't question my directions and did as they were told. I followed them and watched as the boys set Rick down on the bottom bunk. "Daryl, go get some bandages, rum or whatever alcohol you got, and some tweezers," I said as I pulled a stool at the corner of the room beside the wound in Rick's leg.

"Was he bit?" I asked the boy. "No, just shot in the leg. We washed it down every day and kept it covered."

"Common sense to do that," I sighed as I looked towards Rick,"I have to take your pants off to take the bullet out, if that's alright with you." Rick nodded his head and loosened his belt. I let him reveal the wound and I proceeded with the extraction.

Daryl came back supplies in his hands. I first rubbed it down with the rum and gave a few shots to Rick, then pulled out the bullet. It was agonizing pain for him. He clutched the boy's hand tightly and bit down on the pillow that his head was laying on. "Alright, it's out."

I bandaged up Rick while he praised me,"Thanks, doc. We could use you here." I smiled at his response to my deed and said,"Your welcome and I'm not a doctor. It's just something I picked up."

"Well then what are you?" he said confused. "Nothing useful in this world and the name's Abigail , by the way," I shrugged. "Oh, this is my son, Carl. I see you met Daryl and Beth," he said motioning to the both of them. "Daryl could of gave me a better greeting," I smiled at him.

"How come?" Rick chuckled. "Does he point a crossbow at every stranger?" I shrugged. "Pretty much," Rick smiled.

Daryl stormed off in aggravation. "Is he always like that?" I pointed off in his direction. "Sometimes. Ever since Carol left," Rick sighed. "I think I know her. She had a whole bunch of supplies when she visited my old group. She had a car, a shit load of guns, and all," I said a little more perkier. "That's her! Well, you can stay here. Just find an empty cell and do what ever you want with it and thank you again."

I nodded my head and left to search for my new home. I smiled at Beth who was standing in the doorway as I walked out.

I found one in Block B and started to unpack. I threw a thin blanket over the bare matress and began to take out food from my bag. I lay the cans on the bed and arranged my room.

"You're gonna give that to the stash, right?" Carl was standing in the doorway with some more blankets in his hands. "Of course. Why don't you go take it over there," I said trading the food for the covers. "Alright. There's a curtain in there to hang in the doorway," he said as he pointed to the exit.

"Thank you, Carl," I smiled. I made the rest of my bed as Carl left. I stood back when I was done and examined the bland room. Since Rick told me that I could do whatever I wanted, I had an idea that was running through my head since I was a kid.

«Daryl's POV»

"I don't trust her, Rick. She didn't even pull out a gun or anything. She didn't even act defensive," I said with my arms crossed.

Rick was sitting on the stairs looking up at me. "Daryl, that's a good thing. She could of killed you, Carl, Beth, and I. She saved my life and didn't threaten any of us. She's useful. We need her here in case someone needs her medical attention," Rick tried to explain.

I shook his lecture off and said,"I'm going look for the others."

"What about all those Walkers outside? How are you gonna get past them?" I had almost forgot about the increasing numbers of corpses inside the gates. "I'll get Abigail to help me. It's about time she proves herself to be one of us."

I left him sitting there and went to find Abigail. When I did, she was facing the back wall of her cell. It was covered in color that reminded me of day.

"What are you doing?" I asked a little annoyed. "Rick said I could do whatever I wanted so I decided to paint the walls. I've always wanted a room where I could do this and who knew I would get it in the middle of an apocalypse," she chuckled.

"You wanted to come with me to find the rest of my group so c'mon, but first we have to get rid of all those Walkers inside the gate," I said.

"May I make a suggestion to kill all of those things without being bit?" She smiled as she put the paint down.

I'd never thought I would have a Walkers intestines on my clothes just so I won't die. We set up sound traps to lure most of them outside of the gates. While they were distracted, we would murder the rest and temporarily fix the gates until we could get something more permanent.

"How did you get in here?" I asked as I rigged up the alarms on the old Jeep. "Climbed over your contraptions over there and snuck in," Abigail said. She was keeping guard in case any Walkers decided to make a surprise attack.

"I've got it. Now run," I said as I got out from under the dash. The car's alarms and beeps rang aloud. We ran towards the back of the prison where it would take a while for a Walker to get to us. We were breathing heavy when we stopped. Most of the Walkers were traveling towards it. I could hear the moaning hunger from a few hundred yards away.

"Alright, now time to kill the rest and fix the fences. You go get Beth and Carl to help us," I explained to Abigail. She jogged some more to a door that we opened for the plan. The Walkers were spreading out more. I slipped past a hole in the fence and found Abigail with the others slaying some Walkers.

We circled the perimeter and patched up holes in the fences with scrap metal that was laying around the prison. We managed to finish with no fatalities. "There's still the torn down side by tower three," Beth pointed out. "We can close it off by parking the Jeep there," I sighed,"Abigail, it's time to go."

"What? Go where?" Beth questioned. "We're going find the others." I said while walking to the car that Abigail and I were taking. "Does Rick know?"

"Yeah. Can you and Carl open the door for us," I said while getting in the car. Abigail followed as I started the vehicle.

« Abigail's POV»

Daryl kept messing with the radio. "You know, most of everyone is dead that is a radio host," I said in a smartass tone.

"Yeah, I know, but just the other day I heard a voice," he said while he went back to the wheel," Can you find it for me."

I copied Daryl's motions and heard a male voice,"You're struggle to survive will end soon. Give up hope because they will get you or something else will." That was the end if the broadcast.

All of a sudden, I felt myself lunge forward and almost hitting my head. There was a gray SUV in front of us with a dead body lying in the middle of the road on the driver's side. Daryl quickly got out of the car and jogged to the corpse. I followed him, but decided to check for food in the trunk. Nothing. "It's all gone. Whoever the bastard was, he took everything," I groaned.

I looked in Daryl's direction and he was pointing his crossbow at me again. He had pain and anger written across his face. "Calm down," I said as I glanced down at the body when I realized that it was Carol lying limp in his arms.

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