«Chapter 1»

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«Chapter 1»

My clothes stuck to me like syrup as I searched for supplies. Don't I miss sugar, but that no longer exists.

I fanned my face with my hand and tried not to despise my life. Living in this world is just a punishment for going over the limits of how many sins we can commit. It throws flames and ice at us at random times to make sure we have it hard, but sometimes there are its perks.

There's no more taxes or annoying phone calls. No more working over night and frustrating people. I wish we could of lived like this before, but without the dead cannibals walking around everywhere.

I just recently found an abandoned grocery store near my camp and I was sweating like crazy from no cold air circulating through it. I pinched my shirt collar and simulated a heartbeat to get air to my torso. Even with my hair out of my neck, I still feel like I was going to pass out from smothering.

The shelves were almost bare. To my realization, all the candy was gone. I had been craving something sweet for months and now there's probably nothing left. "Of course," I whispered to the empty boxes.

I glanced around the toiletries and found some paper along with toothpaste and toothbrushes. I stuffed them in my rotten smelling bag and looked around more.

Can goods were knocked over and I collected every one that could be cooked over a fire. I picked up a can of spaghetti rings, baked beans, and chicken noodle soup along with a few others.

The stash I found would last me about a week, then I'd have to move on to another spot closer to Woodbury. I wouldn't dare plunge myself into the invaded cannibal capital called Atlanta. It was infested with the smell of death. A few of them would sense my presence and come to hunt for me signaling the army of them to follow.

I just found out from a group I made acquaintances with a few weeks ago that you must smell of death to be undetected. I haven't tried plastering myself with intestines yet, but one day I will have to just to get out of death's reach. I don't know if it'll work in a crowd of them, but I don't want to test it out to find the truth.

I walked to my tent very tiredly. I conjured up eight hours of sleep the past few nights. I keep watch most of night and then set up traps while I try to sleep. I've only had one close call since I first started on my own.

My tent came into sight and the trees became more familiar. I then heard a rustle and saw my tent shake. I quickly took cover behind a thick tree and peeked around the trunk. "Shit," I said in my head. A cannibal was raiding my camp with a few more behind it. The numbers of them were slowly growing and I could tell that they were smelling my heavy breaths.

The moaning was getting closer. Soon it was almost right in my ear. I pulled my sticks out of their sheath on my back and shanked the body in the brain. Blood splattered across the cannibal's forehead and mine. Chunks of flesh flew in every direction and onto my hand. That is the only way to end them forever. The sight is horrid, but it saves your life.

I had a smart idea to keep all my food in my bag which is on my back at all times so that I can make a quick get away if necessary. I jogged away from the death to where it would take them a few minutes to catch up. I glanced at my surroundings and didn't recognize any of the land. I had my hands on my knees and I stared at the ground. That is the third time I've been raided while in search of food. I need to find a building. Something that I can board up, but leave if I needed food.

I couldn't risk being in a group. No one could trust me and the same for them. There were some rumors that Woodbury was fully functional and was handing out everything needed to survive.

I wanted to make my way over and see if it was true. My legs and feet were trying to carry my light frame. I passed some glass doors of a dilapidated building and stared at the person who was inside it. It didn't even look like me anymore. I smiled feeling relief that my dimples were still in place. My auburn hair was messy and greasy. I put in a ponytail for most of my life and it's stayed that way.

The bags under my eyes were enormous. I focused on what was inside of the store that I was next to. I saw some food and decided to brake the glass. An alarm went off with lights and the whole nine yards. "Son of a bitch," I shouted. I jumped through the shards that were left on the frame and collected as much food as I could. I glanced behind me and saw cannibals emerge from the trees.

I jumped back out and ran for my life as I stuffed my supplies in the bag. I followed the road and ran for about a sixth of a mile before I knew I was safe. I was exhausted from running away from these things. I will find Woodbury and be safe from a horrid death.

I ate some crackers while walking to Woodbury. My legs would carry my for only a few minutes and then I'd rest for at least one. I was so tired and I hoped that I would find shelter in the sacred place. My heart lept for joy when I saw high walls, but it fell to my stomach when I saw the doors were busted open and a military Jeep lay in front of them. "Well, at least they got some use out of it," I said before I popped a cracker in my mouth. That would be my meal until morning.

I kept walking in through the trees and killed a few cannibals in the process. I was getting tired of walking around. I was getting tired of everything. If the cannibals don't kill me, I'd probably do it myself.

My feet were growing sore and the skin my hands was cracking. I wanted to faint here and let the corpses devour me without feeling a thing, but I couldn't give up hope. That was part of me. I could never give up. This disease will never end, but I will keep fighting until I do.

I was about to rest when I saw fences and concrete buildings. A prison, no, my saving grace.

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