«Chapter 7»

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«Chapter 7»

The car ride was silent. I searched more for the station that we heard a few weeks ago."It's just some idiot messing around in an old station. Stop playing with it. You always do that shit," Daryl commanded. He stopped the car and put it in park.

"Look, I'm not you're bitch," I said annoyed. I was getting tired of him. He started to laugh as he got out of the car,"You're living under my roof."

"How long have I helped you without being asked?" I said coming to his side of the car. "Does it matter? You think you're part of the council now?"

"Why don't you shut the fuck up and stop telling me what to do. You think you're badass when all you do is look around," I said as I started to walk through the tress. He caught my arm, but I shook it off. "Trust me, you don't want to get in a fight with me. It'll be the last thing you'll ever do," he said sounding cocky. "You'd think those scars on you're back would of taught you not to talk like you're the shit," I slightly turned.

He didn't answer or make a move. "You pissed yet?" I chuckled. He had the balls to throw a punch at me. I ducked to avoid the blow and swung my foot to knock him of his feet. He tried to pull out his crossbow, but I sat on top of him with my knife ready to enter his skull. "Go ahead," he said with a smirk on his face,"They'll never let you back."

"You say that as if I didn't know," I gripped my knife tighter. I let off of him and started to walk towards the road. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" he shouted at me as he got up. "I'm not looking for your responsibility anymore," I said in a frustrated voice.

I looked behind my shoulder and saw Daryl walking in the other direction.

I walked for about an hour. We were far from the prison when we stopped. I wanted to rip his face off.

All of a sudden, something pushed me to the ground. I rolled over and saw a dark skinned woman pinned down with a sword in her right hand. She threw me off of her and sat on top of me like I did Daryl. She held the sword to my neck. "Who are you," she said in a demanding voice. "I'm looking for someone. She belongings in a prison about a mile from here," I said without cowering. Her face softened, but then went back to being aggressive.

"Michonne! No, wait. She's with us!" I heard Daryl scream. The woman looked up with a worried look. "Well then, why was she walking all alone," she turned back to me with an angry look. I kept a strait face and looked strait into her eyes. "We were looking for you," Daryl said a little calmer.

Michonne got up, but still stared at me. "Is every one else okay?" she asked Daryl. He nodded his head and said,"Y'all c'mon."

I got in the back seat and didn't say anything the whole way back. Daryl and Michonne talked about what had happen the past few weeks. Daryl kept glancing at me in the rear view mirror. I stared out the window and tried not to be involved.

Tyreece was working the garden and rushed for the door. "Michonne!" he exclaimed when he saw her in the passenger seat. She smiled at him and Daryl kept driving further from the gate.

I didn't join the welcome home party. Michonne was still staring me down while I was in her sight.

«Daryl's POV»

I sat on my bed and kept thinking about what happened this morning. I've fucked up by trying to hit her, but she got me so pissed off.

I had passed by her cell and the bars were closed tight. I know she doesn't want to be blamed. She did save my life and took a bullet for the food.

"Hey, Daryl? Are you okay?" I heard Glenn from my door. I looked up at him with a straight face. "What happened with you and Abigail? She locked herself in her cell," he said while he sat down in a stool across from me.

I didn't reply for awhile. Glenn continued to stare at me waiting for an answer. "She held a knife to my head after I threw a punch at her," I sighed,"She would of done it too."

"Oh God," Glenn said as he ran his hand through his hair. I stared at my shoes which were covered in dirt and blood. "We need to hold a council meeting about her. She's endangering all of us," he said sternly. "I threw a punch at her. She felt threatened. I don't blame her," I said in an annoyed voice.

"I don't care. The question is 'Who will it be next?'" Glenn stood up and ran out of my room. I went after him and shouted,"Glenn, get your ass back over here," he turned to me,"You don't tell anyone until the meeting. Okay?" He nodded his head and slowed his pace.

I decided to go work out in the yard and do some fence cleaning. Walkers were starting to pile on the fence. Some were impaled on the traps by the door. I threw them off when I saw someone heading my way.

Abigail stared at the ground as she walked closer to me. She was about to climb over the spikes when I caught her by the arm. "Where are you going?" I asked pulling her away from the trap. "Don't touch me or I will seriously stab you this time," she threatened,"I'm going make a run at Walmart."

"Well, let me come with you," I said taking my bow of my shoulder. "No, I don't want you to," she said as she began to climb again. I followed her precise moves and landed on the other side. "What don't you understand about 'I don't want you to come with me'?" Abigail said angrily. I chuckled,"Everything."

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