«Chapter 4»

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«Chapter 4»

He crouched over her trying to pull back the tears. I didn't say anything that if I did I would get an arrow in the head. My heart was to my stomach. I barely knew Carol, but I could tell Daryl really cared for her.

"Take the car back with me. I'm taking this one," Daryl said a little over a whisper. I didn't reply and did as he told me. I watched him put Carol in the back of the SUV gently on her back from the drivers seat. He closed the door slowly and walked to the front of it.

He was first and I followed him along the road. "Shit. Shit. Shit. Oh my God," I kept slapping the wheel with my palm feeling a terrible pain inside me. I wanted to cry, but it wasn't my part. I wanted to back away from the group, but I couldn't since they were saving my life. They needed me with them.

Warm tears started to fall from my eyelids. I tried to wipe them off before anyone else could see. We all have lost too many people. That's about the twentieth person that I've known gone. Why did God choose this for us?

We arrived at the prison and Carl opened the doors again. I stopped my car to talk to him. "Why are ya'll back so early. It's only been about thirty minutes," Carl seemed confused.

"We found Carol dead on the side of the road. Someone shot her for her food," I explained. Carl's face was white as paper. He backed away from the car and stared at the ground. I pulled up closer behind Daryl. He was slow to do everything.

I saw Carl rush to help Daryl with Carol's body. Carl ran to get a blanket and they wrapped her in it. I watched carefully from the same spot. I tried not to let Daryl see the shining tears on my face. He carried Carol to a spot in the yard where there were dirt mounds. The other graves.

«Two Hours Later»

"He's been digging since he got back," Carl explained to his father. "I'll go take the shovel," I said walking away from them. "No, leave him be. He needs time," Rick tried to stop me, but it didn't work.

I walked out there in the hot beating sun. When I got to Daryl, I had to squint to see him clearly. He had his vest off to the side and was only wearing his jeans. "You're over working yourself," I said. "Does it look like I give a shit?" he kept digging while trying to get out of the conversation.

"Give me the shovel," I said as I reached for it. He jerked it out of my hand's grasp and continued shoveling dirt out of the pit. "Give me the damn shovel, Daryl," I kept saying.

"You didn't even know her!" he shouted at me. I was taken aback by his rage. Just then, he collapsed in the pit. He started to cry and moan. "Daryl, just please give it to me. I'll finish it," I said while I reached for it again. He stood up and got out of the pit. He handed me the shovel and left for some water.

«An Hour Later

Rick stood beside me and Beth while Daryl crouched in front of the dirt mound. I could tell he was hurting. He was regretting things that he did to her. I said a small prayer for her in my mind and waited for everyone else to finish theirs. We all left Daryl to his mourning.

He stayed there for about three hours. He just stared at the dirt. I was keeping watch and I couldn't help but glance at him making sure that he didn't have a gun to his head.


I lay in bed reading a book I found a few days ago in an old Walmart. I collected a few of them and I read them every night. I started to like the series and trilogies. One day, I'll have to go back and get the rest of them.

I then heard a shuffle so I looked up to find Daryl standing in my doorway. "How may I help you, sir," I said with a sly smile. "Can I paint something on your wall?" he asked motioning to my paint. "Knock yourself out. Just nothing to big. I have an idea of my own," I said going back to my reading.

"Where's your red?" he asked looking around the room. "In that bag in a clear one," I said pointing to the table I borrowed from Rick. He rummaged around and then said in a disgusted tone,"Is this Walker blood?" I laughed and said,"Yep, the lighter one is a pig's. There's no need to waist your perfectly good paint when there's gallons of it roaming the streets." He shook his head as if trying get the spiders out of his hair.

A few minutes later Daryl said,"I'm done." I got up to observe his work and saw two stick figures, one with a crossbow and the other without a weapon. The weaponless man had an arrow through his head with red dripping from it. "That's me and the bastard that killed Carol," he said pointing to his picture.

"I'll help you find all of them. Your group and the Bastard," I said playfully shoving him. He smirked and left my room without a goodnight.

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