«Chapter 27»

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«Chapter 27»

«Abigail's POV»

Daryl relieved me of watch after a few hours of staring at the night. Nothing, besides the lone walker, came along while I sat in the chair.

My sheets were cold when I slipped into them. The blankets reeked of someone else's stench. I tried to make myself as small as possible since the temperature was still jacket wearing cold.

I hovered my hand over my neck and grazed my necklace. I then grasped it for dear life thinking of my brother. I wished Kyle was still here. What's funny is that he promised not to be one of them and look what happened.

He told me when we were separated that he wouldn't let it happen. Those bastards took him away. The same ones that are after me and Daryl.

I was apart of their group and that's where I learned about disguising yourself from the walkers. They told me they would leave me and Kyle alone if we stayed out of their way. I guess killing three or more of their members wasn't a good move.

Kyle would go on runs with them an he said they were reckless. They didn't give a shit about him. If he was almost bit, they would stand on the side and laugh.

They raped some women in the group and that's why we decided to leave. We told them that we wanted to go and they didn't let us. Kyle made a deal with them saying that he'll stay if I was able to leave.

Most likely, they killed him in cold blood as soon as I left. There are more of them. We'll just never know when they will attack again.

«Daryl's POV»

I heard the familiar screams. Abigail was being tortured by her nightmares.

I was on watch, so I threw my bow off my lap and rushed to her aid.

I dashed past the open doors and came to Abby's. She was thrashing in her sheets, sometimes getting tangled in them. She held her hands to her head, thinking she could shake out the memories.

I jogged to the side of her bed and stood over her. Her face was wet with tears. "Abby, wake up. It's just a dream," I reassured grasping her shoulders lightly.

After trying to calm her down for about a minute, she finally stopped her fussing. Water still rushed from her eyes, but in a more quiet manner. "Hey, you're fine. You're okay," I whispered to her.

I pulled back the covers and slipped in with her. She buried her head in my chest and grasped onto my shirt. My arm automatically wrapped around her shoulders and I pulled her closer. I could feel her tears through my clothing, but it didn't bother me.

Soon, she stopped her crying and was soundlessly asleep. After a few minutes of listening to her breathing, I followed.

«The Next Morning»

I woke to the sound of banging. Abigail was still on my shoulder so it wasn't her making the racket. The noise seemed to not have a pattern as if someone was knocking.

I squeezed out from under Abby made managed not to disturb her sleep. I stepped quietly into the dining room and followed the noise to the front door. Moaning was mixed in with hands banging on the entrance.

I peeked through the window on the left of the white door and saw three walkers pushing their bodies against each other to get in. I, once again, left my bow outside when I was taking watch out front.

I thought of different ways to get rid of them when Abigail's sticks came into mind. I tiptoed back up to her room and snatched the weapons from the corner of her room.

I glanced over at her bed and saw her curled into a ball. The sheets were pulled back to where they were only covering half of her body.

Her fists were still in the same position of grasping my shirt and were close to her cheek. I strapped the sheath onto my back and fixed the blankets to where they were over her shoulders.

I walked out the room and closed the door behind me. Once again, I trudged down the steps and walked to the back exit.

I crept around the side of the house and the walkers came into view. I extracted a stick from its quiver and held it in my hands tightly. I crouched and stepped closer to them.

They must of caught a whiff of me because they turned around and started to come my way. I rose the stick high and prepared to kill.

A walker in a knee length dress was the first to get shanked. While I was trying to put the first one down, the others would pile on top. I see why Abigail has a hard time doing this.

I threw the walkers off of me with the dead one on top pinning down the others. While they tried to push each other off, I stuck the stick in their heads.

I glanced up to see Abigail standing in the doorway looking at me with a confused look. "You didn't wake me?" she shrugged. "Thought you needed some sleep," I said as I rose from the corpses. She scoffed,"It's harder than it looks, huh?" I smiled faintly and said,"Not as hard as a crossbow."

She sighed,"Why don't we go make a run. I need some soap and food would be nice." I nodded my head and followed Abigail into the house after grabbing my bow.

"We can try to look for some knives and gas while were out," I said stuffing some supplies into my bag. Abigail seemed like she wasn't listening, but I'm sure she heard me.

"Oh, here," I said pulling the quiver of sticks off my back. She turned away from her work and grabbed the cylinder of cloth and wood from me.

"Packed?" I asked slinging the strap of my bag over my shoulder. She nodded her head and followed me to the truck.

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