«Chapter 17»

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«Chapter 17»

«Daryl's POV»

The breeze blew in my face. All in my head was the thought of Abigail dead. They could be torturing her and for what?

They wanted revenge for all those deaths from their group if it's the same people. Abigail was the main one, but I had some part in it, also. I only stood by her and watched her pull the trigger.

I jerked my bike hard to my left. I heard Rick call out my name, but I ignored him as I sped away from them.

I would hunt those bastards down and kill every single one of them. Let's just hope she's not dead before I get there.

«Abigail's POV»

I was beaten and slapped. I had a black eye and it hurt to breath. It was hard to see the man through the swollen skin.

"Where is my sister?" he said leaning down to my level. "Are you all related to each other. Hell, if my brother was still alive, I'd never let him leave," I chuckled as if I was high on something. I wanted it to seem like I inhaled happy gas so I played along like it was a joke.

"Stop fucking around!" he shouted at me. "Can I at least get your name first, please?" I smirked. He slapped my face again, but I still smiled. "What the hell is wrong with you? You should be crying!"

"If you cut my tongue out, then I'll talk," I laughed. My stomach would hurt every time I'd chuckle at my own stupid remark. "I'm getting nowhere with you. So, I guess you have no use in this world," he said as he took out his knife from its sheath.

"If it helps, she's dead. I had to shoot her. She was going to kill my nemesis," I still smiled. "What the fuck?" he asked with a confused look and his knife still pointing at me.

"Hey, I need someone to fight. It's my job to shoot him when I'm ready. I don't need someone to do it for me," I chuckled.

He exhaled in frustration. "Now, I can really kill you. You killed her and Craig," he said holding up the knife higher.

"Hey, shit happens," I smirked.

«Daryl's POV»

I raced to the old camp spot. I followed the trails and I saw where they dragged her. I ran along the blood trails from her wound.

I was getting scared. The blood was thinning and the trail was starting to fade. "Shit," I whispered to myself. I then saw the old, abandoned barn with vines and shrubs crawling up the sides. I ran to it with my crossbow raised high.

I walked along the walls and tried to find a back entrance. There was a crack in the two huge doors behind the barn. I heard a deep voice say,"Stop being a smartass!" That was definitely Abigail.

I listened closely and strained to hear. "I told you, I killed her! There's nothing in this fucked up world that you can do about it! Kill me now to get your fucking anger out, you sorry bastard!" I heard Abigail scream.

I then felt something wrap around my neck and force me to the ground. I saw a middle age man's scruffy face then black.

I woke up to find that I was laying on a hay covered floor. I sat up and glanced around the room. There were lamps that were lot by fire banging around the room. I looked behind me and saw Abigail with her head hanging. She sat in an old wooden chair and had her hands tied behind the back of the chair. I stood up and rushed over to her.

"C'mon, Abby. Don't do this shit to me," I encouraged trying to wake her. I checked her pulse and felt movement under my fingers. She was unconscious and still breathing.

I then heard hinges creak and came in a man. He wasn't the same one that knocked me out. "You know her?" he pointed at Abigail. "No, I've never seen her in my life," I lied. Maybe it would get me out of here and another chance to save her.

"Liar. I saw you in the fight," he smiled,"Where the hell is my sister?"

"She told you the truth. The bitch is dead," I smirked. He then came up to me and punched me. I tackled him and pinned his arms down. "James!" he screamed for the others. "Shut the fuck up!" I covered his mouth.

Three men staggered in. I took a pistol from the man who had it in a holster on his belt and shot them in their chest and head. The man I pinned down threw me off of him and tried to get on top of me. I shot him in the neck once I felt his weight on me and he stumbled. All of his strength failed and his body fell on top of mine with blood leaking everywhere. The blood crawled onto my chest and clothes, but it didn't bother me that much. I flipped him over and saw red liquid gushing from the entry hole in the middle of his neck.

"Well, another few down," I smirked. I shot the others in the head so they wouldn't turn. I put the pistol in my pocket and rushed back to Abigail. I untied her bonds and held her in my arms. I'll need to find our weapons.

I looked around the barn while I held Abigail and found them in a closet towards the corner. I slung the strap of my crossbow over my shoulder and put Abigail's sticks across her stomach. I walked out of the barn and to my bike trying to rush out of there.

When I reached my destination, I put Abigail down and took out my water bottle. I pinched her nostrils together and poured the water over her face.

I then checked her body for other wounds and saw the bullet in her leg. So it won't get infected, I have to pull it out. In the small handful of things I had, I used my knife after I cleaned it and some rubbing alcohol. Thank God she was unconscious or it would of been bloody Hell if she was awake. I would have to put on a clean bandage on it when I got to the camp.

I sighed while trying to think of a way to get her on the bike without her falling off. I strapped my bow to the front wheel and put Abigail in front of me. I climbed in behind her and held her close to me. Her head rested on my shoulder as I started the bike.

It was a little difficult to hold her and drive. For the most part, she stayed in the same place, but I moved her when she started to slip. I then saw the group's cars and stopped a few feet from the SUV. "Oh God, Daryl!" Maggie cried.

She tried to help me get her off the bike, but I said,"I got it. Just open the door." She opened the SUV door and backed away. I saw Carl and Mika stare at Abigail's limp body with worried looks on their faces. I closed the door in frustration. I sighed and went back to my bike.

The first car started to move and the chain reaction began.

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